Site icon Iran Freedom

Free Iran: Solidarity with the resistance Grand Gathering from homeland

Free Iran

Free Iran

: Solidarity with the resistance Grand Gathering from homeland

Maryam Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi: We can now see flares of the fire that will cause change and overthrow

Resistance units are the spearhead of uprising and regime change

Maryam Rajavi: We can now see flares of the fire that will cause change and overthrow

Solidarity with the resistance’s Grand Gathering from homeland

Solidarity with the resistance’s Grand Gathering from homeland

– Maryam Rajavi at the Iranian Grand Gathering, Paris:

Overthrowing this regime needs the resistance units and the liberation army

Maryam Rajavi: We can now see flares of the fire that will cause change and overthrow

Resistance units are the spearhead of uprising and regime change

Maryam Rajavi: We can now see flares of the fire that will cause change and overthrow

Solidarity with the resistance’s Grand Gathering from homeland

Solidarity with the resistance’s Grand Gathering from homeland

– Maryam Rajavi at the Iranian Grand Gathering, Paris:

Overthrowing this regime needs the resistance units and the liberation army


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