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Free Iran:Excerpts from Speeches of John Baird and Rudy Giuliani in the Iranian Grand Gathering

Free Iran

Free Iran

: Today. Today we joined Madame Razavi a woman of great courage and a great determination. And. We gather in Paris to stand with the people of Iran to support them in their quest. For freedom for equality and for democracy.

: How much better would an Iran be. Instead of the dictatorial murderous Ayatollah as the face of Iran suppose the face of Iran. Was a brave woman. In a. Country. That recently has had a history and a return to the world. Of treating women inhumanely. And this brave woman. Will be the face of the new modern liberated Iran.

: Will it happen. Yes

: When will it happen. And I won’t. Next year at this time I want us to have. This convention in Tehran.

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