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Free Iran: The Hour Of Execution

Free Iran

free Iran

I Was in the cell when they called my name. It was finally my turn. There’s nothing as difficult as saying Farewell to the dearest friends. Farewell guys! They will execute me in an hour. The trial was short and brief. The death committee only asked, What are you accused of? And I summarized the answer in one word: Mojahed. The will execute me in fifty minutes. I have a strange feeling, anxious yet calm. Anxious to face death and calm for the choice I have made. In 40 minutes it will be me and the hanging rope. I could say that I was not a mojahed. I could choose to live. However, for me, Mojahed is not just a name. Here, I am not all by myself. I represent millions of Iranians,  enchained and suffering. I will not give in. I will not abide by the executioner’s rules. 35 minutes is all that remains to moment of my execution. The death corridor. What a name! With each step I feel I am moving away from The swamp and approaching the sea. I will be executed in 30 minutes. Who will inscribe these moments? Will anyone even understand that here, Behind these walls, what passionate souls were hanged? I don’t know. I don’t know what will happen and what they will say. But know one thing for sure, Today I must stand firm. I must defend the sanctity of freedom. I must cry out my identity. Nations’ history  is written in these very moments. They will execute me in 20 minutes. I think of my daughter, my only child, her sweet smiles, Her happy eyes and anxious looks. How scarce are our shared-memories! She was only three years old when I was arrested. And then her vision of father, Is summarized in the smiling face of a man Behind a glass wall.

15 minutes is all that remains to the moment of my execution. This is end of the world. Ilook from beneath the blindfolds.  Oh my   Good! What am I seeing?  Bodies hanging from the ceiling. These are my comrades, fellow prisoners. How many will they hang? In how prisons.  Is this massacre taking place only in Tehran? Or in other cities too?  What does Khomeini want to achieve?   I will be executed in 5 minutes.  The noose hangs heavy over my head.  All my life flashes my eyes like a movie    childhood, teenage years, college revolution era, the years in prison, while short, my life didn’t miss a thing. I thank God for being able to choose how I die. I will be executed in one minute.    From the moment when then the rope is tightened around my neck, I feel impatient.

I don’t lot throw myself, before the guard pushes me.

The executed me thirty years ago.


In the summer of 1988, under Khomeini’s orders, the Iranian regime conducted a terrifying massacre   in Its prisons, executing more than 30,000 political prisoners in the span of a few months. Most of the victims were supporters and members of the PMOI/MEK.

The regime hid the bodies of the victims in secret graveyards and most were never found.

Since most of the prisoners were executed, few witnesses remained to tell their story, and after three decades, many of the details of this crime against humanity remain untold.

In 2016, a Mrs. Maryam Rajavi launched a movement to bring the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre to justice. So far, the justice movement has had many achievements. And the struggle continues…








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