Site icon Iran Freedom

The activities of the resistance units of the Symay-e Azadi telethon in the cities Iran

The activities of the resistance units

activities of the resistance units

Symay-e Azadi is the voice of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom. Contribute to the 23rd Symay-e Azadi’s fundraising.  Resistance unit- 97, Dec. 2018

Symay-e Azadi is the voice of the all disappointed strata in Iran. Contribute to the 23rd Symay-e Azadi’s fundraising.  Resistance unit- 97, Dec. 2018

I express my solidarity with the 23rd Symay-e Azadi’s fundraising, death to Khamenei!

Symay-e Azadi is the voice of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom. Contribute to the 23rd Symay-e Azadi’s fundraising.  Dec. 2018

Symay-e Azadi is the Voice of the suppressed Workers, Farmers, teachers, University and school students, and the sincere truck drivers in Iran. Participate in the 23rd Symay-e Azadi telethon. Dec. 2018

The resistance units support for Symay-e Azadi telethon

Due to the dire economic condition, as the result of the mullahs’ rule, we have a problem with our livelihood.

We call all the Iranians who can afford to contribute to the Symay-e Azadi telethon. And we will extend our activities in Isfahan.

I cannot afford a donation, but I will make an all-out effort for propagation. Hope for Iran’s freedom!

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