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Joseph Lieberman Speech In MEK Free Iran Rally In Albania

Joseph Lieberman

Joseph Lieberman

MEK / PMOI Free Iran rally in Albania– Joseph Lieberman Former United States Senator (I-CT) supported MEK and Maryam Rajavi’s plan for a free and democratic Iran– July 13, 2019
“It is not only an honor but exciting to be here in Ashraf 3. We gathered in many meetings at this time of the year in Paris and the crowd was enormous, but there is nowhere I would rather be today than in Ashraf 3,” Sen. Joseph Lieberman said.
“Let me explain why: For years, the Iranian American community fought for the cause of the residents of Ashraf and it was embraced by more and more representative in the U.S.,” Joseph Lieberman added.
“We were hurt and heartbroken and angry when you were terrorized and murdered in Camp Liberty by the Iranian regime’s mercenaries. Iran is ready for a new dawn and day. You are ready. We are ready,” Senator Lieberman continued, going on to chant, “Hazer! Hazer!” meaning I am ready in Persian, which has become a motto of Iranian Resistance members.
“Now that you are here, the NCRI and MEK can focus its efforts on the fight inside Iran,” Joseph Lieberman said.
Sen. Lieberman went on to voice his support for U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal and designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization.
“History is on your side. Freedom and justice will always prevail. And that is what the MEK and NCRI represent. Yes, my friends, Hazer, Hazer!” he said, repeating the Farsi slogan.

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