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Remarks by Ted Deutch–Iran Regime’s Terrorism Summit, July 20, 2020

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)  was held a global seminar on the Iranian regime’s terrorist operations during the third day of the “Free Iran Global Summit” on, July 20, 2020.

The conference under title, Terrorism by Iran’s Regime -Shut Down Tehran’s Embassies Abroad-Expel its Agents, Operatives, was held online, connecting thousands of locations throughout the world to Ashraf 3, Albania, home to the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). This conference is over the Iranian regime’s terrorist activities across the world, by using its embassies. The conference and its panelists urged the European countries to shut down the Iranian regime’s embassies, which are indeed emissaries of terror and nests of spies. The keynote speaker of this event is Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s President-elect.

The theme of the conference was the Iranian regime’s international terrorist activities. Participants called on the international community to shut down the regime’s embassies and expel its ‘diplomat-terrorists’.

Ted Deutch, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida joined the Online Free Iran Global Summitday 3. In his remarks, Mr. Deutch said, “I’m proud to have authored House Resolution 752. This resolution condemns the Iranian leadership’s human rights abuses and support for destabilizing activities abroad. ” 

Here is the speech of Mr. Deutch:

I’d like to express my support for the Iranian American community here in Florida and around the country, and for those Iranian who are bravely standing up for human rights and democracy inside Iran.  I support the Iranian people’s democratic aspirations and their right to free expression and assembly.  I’ve been horrified by the actions of the regime to crack down on peaceful protestors.   

Thousands of Iranians have suffered arrest or death for standing up to the oppressive regime in Iran, and countless others have bravely risked their safety and their lives to continue pushing for the right to live in a free and democratic country.  That’s why in Congress we’re working to counter the aggressions of the Iranian regime and provide support for the people of Iran.   

I’m proud to have authored House Resolution 752, in which we stand with the Iranian people demonstrating at peaceful protests against an oppressive and corrupt regime.  This resolution condemns the Iranian leadership’s human rights abuses and support for destabilizing activities abroad and calls on all democratic governments to unequivocally support the Iranian people’s basic need for human rights.  And I’m so pleased that this bipartisan resolution passed unanimously in the House of Representatives back in January.  I’ll continue to stand up against human rights abuses and repression in Iran and around the world.  Stay health and stay safe.  

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Remarks by Ted Deutch–Iran Regime’s Terrorism Summit, July 20, 2020