Iran Freedom

Iran: Resistance Units Honor the Memory of MEK Members Killed in Ashraf Massacre (Sep 1, 2013)

Iran: Resistance Units Honor the Memory of MEK Members Killed in Ashraf Massacre (Sep 1, 2013)

September 2022: Iranian Resistance Units, a network of activists affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), marked the ninth anniversary of the massacre of MEK members in Ashraf, Iraq, on September 1, 2013.

At the time, at the behest and command of the Iranian regime, Iraqi special forces, attacked Camp Ashraf, killing 52 members of the MEK and abducting seven others.
The regime wanted to wipe out Ashraf residents and deliver a back-breaking blow to its main opposition movement.

Today, people in Iran are honoring the memories of the martyrs of the September 1 massacre, and Resistance Units continue to grow by the day.

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