Iran Freedom

Iran Protests Round-Up—Day 69–November 23, 2022

Iran Protests Round-Up—Day 69–November 23, 2022

November 23, 2022: Wednesday, November 23, marked the 69th day of nationwide protests against the Iranian regime, which began on September 16. Iran’s protests have expanded to 250 cities and all 31 provinces across the country.

According to reports gathered by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the regime has so far killed 640 civilians and arrested 30,000 others. The PMOI/MEK has published the names of 503 killed protesters.

Iran protests round-up—Day 69 | November 23, 2022

November 23, 2022: Protests in Mashhad, Qazvin, Zahedan, Sarpol-e Zahab, Khorramabad, Dehdasht, Sanandaj, Lamerd, Langarud, Tehran, Isfahan, Kamyaran, Saqqez, Salas-e Babajani, Bukan, Baneh, Oshnavieh, and Urmia.

Strikes in Iran’s cities | November 23, 2022

Strikes in Salas-e Babajani, Urmia, Kamyaran, Piranshahr, Saqqez, Bukan, and Javanrud.

Iran Protests: US Treasury slaps sanctions on Iranian authorities for human rights abuses

The U.S. Treasury has imposed new sanctions on three Iranian regime officials for “continued crackdown on ongoing protests throughout the country.”
The target of the sanctions are three key officials in Sanandaj.
Hassan Asgari, the governor of Sanandaj.
“Asgari’s transition from a military role to governor is an example of the systematic spread of military control over cities.”
Alireza Moradi, commander of State Security Forces (and formerly IRGC commander) in Sanandaj.
“Moradi, as commander of the Law Enforcement Forces in Sanandaj, has led the crackdown on protests in the city.”
Mohammad Taghi Osanloo, the IRGC Ground Forces commander that oversees Iran’s West Azerbaijan province.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the NCRI, in a speech to the Conference at the Parliament of Canada, under title, “The nationwide uprising of the Iranian people for a democratic republic and against the misogynist regime” said: “Today, Iran is going through a critical moment in its history. The Iranian people’s desire, especially women, is highlighted in their slogans. They want to overthrow the entire regime.”

Mrs. Rajavi also said: “Iran is on the brink of a major change Security forces have killed at least 625 people, but nationwide uprisings have further escalated The slogan “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the mullahs” and other similar slogans have become part of the revolutionary culture in Iran.”

She added: “The Iranian people’s uprising did not foment overnight. It is rooted in 43 years of repression. Women are at the forefront of this uprising because they have been under double oppression; deprived of all their fundamental rights.”

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