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Vancouver Grand Rally—February 10, 2024: Iranian Resistance Supporters Commemorate Anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Anti-Monarchical Revolution

Vancouver Grand Rally—February 10, 2024: Iranian Resistance Supporters Commemorate Anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Anti-Monarchical Revolution

Vancouver, Canada—February 10, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a grand rally to commemorate the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution.

Their message reverberated: the revolution that toppled the monarchy’s dictatorship 45 years ago endures, persisting in its pursuit of democracy until the eventual elimination of the mullahs’ regime. They honored the tens of thousands of compatriots who sacrificed their lives opposing religious dictatorship and pledged to uphold their legacy.

Furthermore, they voiced unwavering support for the NCRI and its Ten-Point Plan, led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s President-elect. Demonstrators also expressed solidarity with the Resistance Units, a network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) within Iran, vowing to amplify their voices globally and resist systemic censorship.

The rally of Iranian resistance supporters was also reflected in the Canadian media.

This event included speeches by representatives of Iranian communities in Canada. They reiterated their support for Iranians striving for freedom, democracy, and a secular republic.

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Vancouver Grand Rally—February 10, 2024: Iranian Resistance Supporters Commemorate Anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Anti-Monarchical Revolution