Iran Freedom

MEK Supporters Rally and Exhibition in Geneva to Protest UN Tribute to ‘Raisi Mass Murderer’ – May 30, 2024

Geneva - May 30, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition at Nation Square in front of the UN headquarters to commemorate the martyrs of the Iranian people's uprising. They protested against the UN for paying tribute to Ebrahim Raisi for his role in the killing of Iranian youth. 
MEK Supporters Rally and Exhibition in Geneva on May 30, 2024

Geneva – May 30, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition at Nation Square in front of the UN headquarters to commemorate the martyrs of the Iranian people’s uprising. They protested against the UN for paying tribute to Ebrahim Raisi for his role in the killing of Iranian youth. 

Iranian Resistance supporters strongly criticized the UN’s decision to honor Raisi as the “Butcher of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran” and a “mass murderer” responsible for the execution of thousands of political prisoners during the 1988 massacre in Iran. This event highlighted the disgraceful act of honoring the ‘Butcher of Tehran’ at the UN.

Iranians also carried banners and placards and chanted slogans against the religious dictatorship regime in Iran and expressed their solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

In addition, the demonstrators urged the international community to take a firm policy against the regime’s human rights violations and recognize the Iranian people’s right to self-defense.

The organizers of the rally in Geneva also demanded that the IRGC be designated as a terrorist organization by the European Union.

The Iranian community in Geneva emphasized the Iranian people seeking a democratic republic and rejecting any kind of dictatorship, be it the mullahs or a return to that of Shah’s regime.

In addition, the Iranian Resistance supporters in Geneva urged the international community to support the Iranian Revolution and take a firm stance against the oppressive regime of the mullahs.

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