Iran Freedom

Amsterdam—June 22, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally, Condemning the Appeasement Policy With the Mullahs

Amsterdam, The Netherlands—June 22, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in Dam Square, to protest the ineffective policy of appeasement with the Iranian regime.

The Iranian community in Amsterdam particularly condemned the disgraceful deal between Sweden and the mullahs’ regime to release  Hamid Noury, a criminal executioner involved in the 1988 Massacre. They also urged the Dutch government to follow Canada’s example and blacklist the IRGC.

Hamid Noury was released on June 15, based on a shameful deal between the Swedish government and the criminal terrorist regime of mullahs ruling Iran.

The Iranian Resistance has vehemently condemned Noury’s release, arguing that it not only undermines efforts to hold perpetrators of the 1988 Massacre accountable but also incentivizes further crimes against humanity and acts of terrorism.

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