Iran Freedom

As we Ring in the New Year, Join the Campaign to Stand for a Free Iran

Dear Friends,

Season’s greetings and Happy New Year to all our friends around the world!

As we put 2021, a turbulent year for the whole world behind us, let’s begin the new year with a message of inspiration representing our aspirations for freedom and peace to ring throughout the world and the dawn of a new day and freedom in Iran!

As the world was celebrating the holiday season, the Iranian regime didn’t give up on its relentless killings executing four people from Dec 26-28th. Over 44 people were executed in one month, 7 of whom were women and 3 were minors at the time of arrest.

But despite the suppression and unbearable situation the people of Iran are facing, hope and unrelenting belief that change is coming has never been so high throughout society. Today marks a new day, we want to come together to give one united message to the Iranian people:

We stand united with the Iranian people in their quest for freedom

We stand with you in face of tyranny


Join us on Jan 2, 2022

1800 CET | 12:00 pm EST | 9:00 am PST 



And today we share our message for the future – it is a time to celebrate renewal, and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness.

While the situation remains dire, we as a people will persevere in face of all obstacles and in face of tyranny because nothing can hold back the light forever.

We hope that 2022 brings happiness & freedom to Iran, peace & serenity to the region, and is a year full of health, joy and prosperity for all of you.

THANK YOU for continuing this new path of activism for a free Iran with us, and send us your feedback for this and future actions at!

In solidarity,

The Free Iran Campaign

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