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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Day 2: #FreeIranTelethon, Iran’s Future Is Calling

#FreeIranTelethon, Iran's Future Is Calling—January 2022
#FreeIranTelethon, Iran’s Future Is Calling—January 2022

In the first hours of the #FreeIranTelethon we have witnessed an outpour of support and solidarity with every call coming through; from across Iran and around the globe, with people happily and proudly staying on hold and in line for hours to be able to make a pledge not only to support IranNTV but also to make their promise to the Iranian people to stand tall and steadfast till the dawn of freedom in Iran.

From messages voicing support for brave resistance units in Iran coming in from California to London and Geneva to Stockholm; to calls coming in from members of resistance units from across Iran, from youth who promised to keep the light of resistance alive across the nation, to those like Ramin from Tehran who said “I don’t have anything to be able to give, but I will dedicate and sacrifice my life for the freedom of my country.”

IranNTV (Simaye Azadi), is a commercial free television station, solely dedicated to echoing the voice of freedom in Iran, dubbed the “light of our homes” by millions of Iranians inside Iran and abroad.

As people call in from around the globe to make their pledge and keep this light lit, join in showing your solidarity 


Voice your solidarity with the Iranian people

as they stand in face of tyranny


Join us Jan 14-16, 2022

Daily from 1500 CET | 9:00 am EST 



  • Show your support on social media throughout the telethon using hashtag #FreeIranTelethon
  • Join the social media challenge with a selfie, ask your friends and family, co-workers and followers to join in the campaign by sharing short messages or images of why they support the #FreeIranTelethon campaign, sample posters to print and write your message for the selfie can be found here!
  • Make a pledge for decades Iranians inside and abroad and freedom loving people around the world have kept the voice of resistance alive through their financial contributions, allowing this movement to stand independent on its own two feet. Every pledge is valued and brings us one step closer to a free Iran. So don’t forget to make a pledge today!


To follow the telethon, tune in from Jan 14th 1500 CET in the 3day show of solidarity

for Persian follow IranNTV on TwitterFacebook & Instagram

for English follow on IranFreedom

Don’t forget to make a pledge as every donation brings us one step closer to turning the dream of a free Iran into reality.

THANK YOU for continuing this new path of activism for a free Iran with us, and send us your feedback for this and future actions at actioncenter@iranfreedom.org!

In solidarity,

The Free Iran Campaign

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Day 2: #FreeIranTelethon, Iran’s Future Is Calling