In an international interfaith conference, prominent politicians, religious leaders, and representatives joined Mrs. Maryam Rajavi president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) under the banner: “Ramadan: United against Fundamentalism and Warmongering, for Peace and Tolerance”
#Ramadan: United against Fundamentalism & Warmongering, for #Peace & Tolerance#Iranhttps://t.co/IbJnoYS1eK
— Iran Freedom (@4FreedominIran) April 3, 2022
Below is an excerpt from the conference participants’ speeches:
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi President-elect of the NCRI opened the conference by extending her congratulations to Muslims and the dignitaries participating from around the world on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan. In her remarks to this conference, she expounded on the distressful conditions of Iranian society under the rule of the mullahs, and underlined the clerical regime’s failure to advance its reactionary outlook under the banner of Islam.
Maryam Rajavi : President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

At the outset of the holy month of Ramadan, I pray for the liberation of my compatriots from the clutches of religious tyranny.
We pray that our Muslim sisters and brothers in the Middle East are freed from the clerical regime’s fundamentalism, terrorism, and evil incitement to war. And we pray that people across the globe, especially the steadfast people of Ukraine, achieve peace and tranquility.
Iranian society’s calamitous predicament
Truly, why are the Iranian people grappling with poverty and hunger today, despite our nation’s abundance of wealth and resources?
Because an entirely illegitimate and detested regime –set apart from Iranian society by an ocean of blood– preserves its power at the cost of people’s lives, flesh, and blood.
In reality, under the rule of a brutal tyranny, Khamenei pursues five ominous policies simultaneously:
He starves the vast majority of people. He plunders public wealth and properties, drives sick to death and people from their homes.
In the PMOI’s worldview, a person with a liberated and independent character, finds him/herself capable of, and responsible for, removing the shackles from others and liberating them. And this is a struggle for freedom.
The Islam espoused by the PMOI underscores freedom and rejects exploitation, drawing its qualitative lines with all reactionary and class-based ideologies under the banner of Islam.
As such, the PMOI raised the banner of equality and the struggle against all forms of discrimination and oppression. Hence, it has stood up for gender equality and throughout their history; it has defended the freedoms and equal rights of oppressed ethnic groups, and followers of different religions.
Similarly, as followers of Islam, it has opposed all aggressive expansionism and intervention in other countries under the pretext of exporting revolution.
Khomeini and his followers invoked the name of Islam to establish religious despotism, and governance through torture, plunder, misogyny, and terrorism. For a period, they inflicted heavy damages on all political, intellectual, cultural, and social fabric of Iran and of countries in the Middle East.
Their religious deception, however, was defeated in the face of the PMOI’s ideological perseverance and the sacrifice of generation after generation of its members. They are on borrowed time. After the regime’s overthrow, the destiny of Iran will be entwined with freedom, equality, and the separation of religion and state.
No doubt, the religious tyranny, having failed in all intellectual and ideological spheres, will not survive in the face of this enormous force, the Resistance Units and the great Army of Freedom. And this is how the Iranian people’s destiny will be decided.
Full speech here.
Sheikh Taisir Al-Tamimi, Former Palestinian Chief Justice

The Iranian regime is constantly inflicting pain on the people of Palestine while claiming to be by their side.
We stand with the Iranian resistance to free the people of Iran from the clutches of this regime. This regime abuses Islam and pretends to be an ally of Islamic countries.
It indiscriminately kills people in the region and spreads war. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all people of the region to stand against this regime.
Jalal Ganjei, Chairman of the Committee of Religions and Denominations of the National Council of Resistance

Support for the Iranian Resistance sends an important message to the world. Muslims need a new interpretation of Islam, which exposes fundamentalism that is being preached under the name of Islam.
To support a Muslim woman who defends equality between all religions, and in particular the equality between men and women, is an important alternative to the fundamentalism of the mullahs ruling Iran.
Aiham Alsammarae, Iraq’s former Minister of Electricity

The opposition in Iraq has been struggling to free Baghdad from the clutches of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards, who are destroying Iran and its people.
We are with you and your struggle, and we wish you victory. Your victory is also ours. Iran must be freed and returned to its people.
Kira Rudik, Ukrainian MP

I want every war criminal to be prosecuted. I heard about what happened to you in Ashraf, and I want to tell you that now I know what you went through. What is happening in Ukraine cannot be forgotten.
I’m talking to all world leaders and organizations. You need to act now. Forty days was enough. You should know where the red lines are.
They are small towns like Bucha, where children are being killed, women are being raped. This has to be stopped. We want to end this war and the horrifying things we are seeing.
I would like to thank you and share the pain that your nation is going through.
Tymofiy Mylovanov, Ukrainian Minister of Economic Development and Trade (2019-2020), Advisor to Head of Presidential Office

Tyranny can only be fought only when all nations unite and fight them together. Until I got bombed, and the bombardments started in Kyiv, and I saw massacred families, I didn’t understand the plight of other nations.
The lesson today is that there are no borders when it comes to fighting tyranny. If I get out of this situation, I will focus on more than just Ukraine.
I will care for your people, for the people of Syria, Georgia, Afghanistan. This is a disease, and it must be stopped.
Cheikh Dhaou Meskine, Secretary General of the Council of Imams of France

People in Iran and other countries must unite. Iran must play its role in the international community and assume the position it deserves in the world.
The people of Iran and the world need you, Mrs. Rajavi. We must stand and struggle by your side against the dictatorship ruling Iran. This regime is a terrorist regime.
The Quran is against dictatorship and the rule of one person.
Tahar Boumedra, Former chief of the UN human rights mission in Iraq

The residents of Ashraf were killed, deprived of medical services, but no one would talk about them. AP, Reuters, the press were silent. People in Ashraf were killed in silence, they were defenseless. Iraqi authorities were facilitating the killing of Ashrafis.
They were forced to relocate to Camp Liberty. It was a trap. The Ashrafis fought very hard. They resisted and their resistance paid off. It opened avenues for them to get out of the hell of Iraq and go to Albania to start their lives in Ashraf 3.
All these memories are there to show that when people want freedom, they sacrifice for it and achieve it. You have come a long way in your struggle and your resistance to turn the situation. You now have an international status. You are achieving victories every day.
You’ve achieved a lot. And with the wisdom and courage of your leadership, you will certainly achieve more victories. You will certainly have the opportunity to bring those who persecuted you to justice. The process has already started.
One of the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners is already being tried before a Swedish tribunal. This is the beginning. More trials will come soon. You are a resistance movement that will not give up. It will secure not only victory, but it will also bring the perpetrators of crimes to justice.
Khalil Merroun, Director of the Grand Mosque of Avery, France

It’s been 42 years that the massacre has been ongoing in Iran. I’m not Iranian but I hate to see my religion misused for these kinds of activities.
By freeing Iran, we will free Islam. We must put our efforts into realizing this freedom as soon as possible. The regime has falsified Islam.
Bishop Jacques Gaillot, Renowned French bishop

Many Iranians have risen and are struggling for their rights. Their dream will let Iran get rid of the mullahs and become a free nation.
Sadek Abrous, President of Muslims Regional Council of Île-de-France region

The Quran says that if you kill one person, you have killed humanity. This is Iran’s regime. Iran’s regime is stealing from the people. It promotes terrorism and violence in the region.
When you struggle against this regime, you are defending our beliefs. I wish you success in your struggle to overthrow the Iranian regime.
Rabbi Moshe Levin, Deputy Chief Rabbi of France

For many years, I have witnessed your struggle for peace and equality in the region. All religions respect the separation of state and religion. I wish peace for all people around the world.
Salem Al-Meslet, President of the National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces of Syria

The people of Syria stand side by side with the people of Iran against the regime. Iran’s regime has always exported terrorism and fundamentalism around the world.
The people of Syria have suffered greatly at the hands of the Iranian regime and its proxies in Syria. Our people have suffered greatly because of the atrocities they have carried out in our countries.
Unfortunately, the international community has closed its eyes on what is happening in my country.
Ahmad Al-Mosabli, Advisor to the Yemeni Minister of Propaganda

We are standing by your side, by the side of those standing against the terrorist regime of Iran. Our wishes are the same, to get rid of our common enemy. This is why we support you and you support us. Iranian militias are inflicting suffering and pain to our people.
We want to rid the people of this common enemy. I am sure that victory is within reach. If Iranian militias in Yemen are defeated, the mullahs in Qom and Tehran will be toppled.
We get energy from you and your activities in Iran. Freedom is not given to anyone. You have to obtain it.
Ahmed Jarallah, Kuwaiti journalist, editor-in-chief of the Kuwaiti Al-Seyassah and Arab Times

People around the world are witnessing the activities of Mrs. Rajavi to end this regime, a regime that has caused suffering to the people of Iran and the people of the Arab World and around the globe. I hope that by the next Ramadan, you will have overcome this regime.
Ahmad al-Khalayeleh, Jordanian MP

The people of Jordan and Iran are brothers. I hope that our brotherhood and friendship continue and the next time we meet, you will have achieved your goal and Mrs. Rajavi has realized the ten-point plan for Iran.
We hope that soon this regime will be toppled and we in the Arab World will be freed from its interference in our countries.