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Iran: MEK Resistance Units Send 5000 Messages to Free Iran 2022 Campaign

Iran: MEK Resistance Units Send 5000 Messages to Free Iran 2022 Campaign

As part of the Free Iran 2022 campaign, members of the MEK Resistance Units sent 5,000 video messages, supporting the Iranian opposition’s yearly convention and reiterating their resolve to overthrow the theocratic rule of the mullahs in Iran.

Messages came from every corner of Iran, and they had a common theme, “We can, and we must,” a slogan that was popularized by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The Resistance Units held up photos of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who has become a symbol of hope and freedom for millions of people who are fed up under the tyrannical rule of the mullahs.

Women members of the MEK Resistance Units in Tehran—July 2022
Women members of the MEK Resistance Units in Tehran—July 2022

Some of the slogans that the members of the Resistance Units hold in the banners or say in the videos are:

“We can, and we must break the chains of despair.”
“We can, and we must free our country from the clutches of the mullahs.”
“We can, and we must overthrow the mullahs’ regime.”
“We can, and we must build a free and prosperous Iran.”
“We can, and we must celebrate freedom.”

The Resistance Units are a network of activists associated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the one organization that has been the absolute red line of the mullahs’ regime in the past four decades.

Read more: https://english.mojahedin.org/article/mek-resistance-units-and-the-power-of-irans-democratic-alternative/

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Iran: MEK Resistance Units Send 5000 Messages to Free Iran 2022 Campaign