Iran Freedom

Iranian Resistance Supporters Protest in European Cities Against the Shameful Deal Between the Mullahs’ Regime and the Belgian Government

Iranian Resistance Supporters Protest in European Cities Against the Shameful Deal Between the Mullahs’ Regime and the Belgian Government

2-4 July 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies in Berlin, Munich, Oslo, Zurich, Stockholm, and Gothenburg against the shameful deal between the mullahs’ regime and the Belgian government.

These gatherings were held in most European countries in front of Belgian embassies or consulates.

Iranian Resistance supporters protested the shameful deal that its goal is paving the way for sending a diplomat-terrorist in jail in Belgium to Iran! (Assadollah Assadi convicted to 20 years in prison for plotting to bomb 2018 Free Iran gathering in Paris).

They asked the Belgian government to cancel this bill. They also asked the Belgian Parliament not to vote positively for such a bill.

Iranian Resistance supporters chanted slogans, including:

“Shame to this conspiracy!”

“The release of the diplomat-terrorist of the Mullahs’ regime is condemned!”

“Today, every hand that is in the hands of the mullahs’ regime is their accomplice!”

“The embassy of the mullahs’ regime is the center of terrorism!”

“Stop appeasing the mullahs’ regime, expel their agents!”

“Down with Khamenei, Down with Raisi!”

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