Iran Freedom

The Hague—December 2, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Held a Rally and Photo Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

The Hague—December 2, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Held a Rally and Photo Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

The Hague, the Netherlands—December 2, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and photo exhibition in memory of the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also expressed their solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

In this rally, Mr. Derk Jan Eppink, MP from the JA21 party of the Netherlands, delivered a speech for Iranian-Dutch community members and supported the nationwide Iranian protests for freedom and democracy.

Mr. Derk Jan Eppink, MP from the JA21 party of the Netherlands

In his speech to the supporters of the Iranian resistance, he said:

We have come together again while the uprising in Iran is still going on, and we are witnessing many victims. The regime is brutal and very impudent. We see that they (IRGC) are killing everywhere, which is what we know now in the parliament. I have been involved in this issue for 20 years and have participated in your rallies, but now I am very happy that other parties have also involved themselves. And this is nothing but doing the duty for change in Iran. In other words, it means supporting the people participating in the uprising.
Now, a bill is being discussed in the parliament, which I have also approved and signed, identifying the IRGC as a terrorist organization. And if its members come to the Netherlands, they will be arrested and sued. Now we offer you our little help.
We are at your service to amplify and reflect your voice in the parliament. We will do everything we can to get the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister to take action if possible. So continue your activities. Try to continue your gatherings. And make it clear that you are against this regime of murderers. Iran is resisting.

Mr. Derk Jan Eppink, MP from the JA21 party of the Netherlands, delivered a speech for Iranian-Dutch community members

In their demonstration in The Hague, Iranians demanded the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime with slogans, including, “We support the uprising of the Iranian people from Zahedan to Tehran and Kurdistan.”

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in The Hague expressed their opposition to any dictatorship of the mullahs and the Shah’s dictatorship and supported the establishment of a free and democratic Republic in Iran.

They called to the Dutch Government to adopt a firm policy against the dictatorship of the mullahs.

Also, the Dutch citizens visited the photo exhibition of the Martyrs of the Iranian Revolution and were impressed by the sacrifice of the Iranian people during the nationwide protests to establish freedom and democracy in Iran.

Freedom-loving Iranians in The Hague also honored the memory of Mahsa Amini and the martyrs of the Iran Revolution.

It is worth to mention that Friday, December 2, 2022, marking the 78th day of the continuous anti-regime protests across Iran.

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