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Remarks by Former Kosovan Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti, to the Free Iran World Summit 2023 – July 1, 2023

Remarks by Former Kosovan Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti, to the Free Iran World Summit 2023 - July 1, 2023
Avdullah Hoti, Prime Minister of Kosovo (2020-2021)

Avdullah Hoti, Prime Minister of Kosovo (2020-2021), addressed the first day of the Free Iran World Summit on July 1, 2023.

Avdullah Hoti Calls for United Support for Iranian Resistance

The full text of Former Kosovan PM, Avdullah Hoti’s remarks, is as follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, Madam Rajavi. It’s my great honor to address this distinguished audience and also on behalf of Kosovo be part of the efforts of the democratic world supporting the Iranian people to establish democracy.

I rather tend to see this current regime as an unfortunate incident in the great history of the Iranian people and I highly admire their determination to resist and to seek freedom and justice.

Honorable dignitaries, we, the democratic world, are not only defined by what we do in our countries but also by what we tolerate to happen elsewhere. Therefore, we should all be united in supporting Madam Rajavi.

Ladies and gentlemen, despite the repression by the regime, we continue to see the resistance of the brave people of Iran. Outside, we see an extensive international supporting campaign. It is clear that the momentum for change is in creation. I now believe it is time for the democratic leadership of Iran to clearly portray how the Iranian society is going to be organized following the regime change and what constitutional insurance will be put in place to protect human rights and democracy.

Ladies and gentlemen, I come from Kosovo a country that has suffered under different regimes. The last one was the Malkovich regime, during the 1990s, half of the population was expelled abroad but we never gave up. What we did was this first, we organized a pacifist movement led by President Ibrahim Rogova. Second, we practiced civil disobedience. Third, in the final years of the regime, we even organized resistance. Fourth, we received tremendous support from the international community. And finally, we won, and you will win as well.

So, thank you and God bless the people of Iran.

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Remarks by Former Kosovan Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti, to the Free Iran World Summit 2023 – July 1, 2023