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In Iran, Prisoners Unite for 32nd Week of ‘No to Executions on Tuesdays’ with Global Backing

Prisoners Across Iran Mark 32nd Week of ‘No to Execution Tuesdays’

The 32nd week of the “No to Execution Tuesdays” initiative commenced on September 3, 2024, as detainees from 21 penitentiaries in Iran embarked on a synchronized hunger strike to protest against capital punishment. This week’s campaign saw two more facilities—Asadabad Prison in Isfahan and Bam Prison in Kerman—joining the ongoing demonstration.

Participating Prisons:

Alongside the newly enrolled facilities, the following institutions sustained their involvement: Evin Prison (Women’s Ward, Wards 4 and 8), Ghezel Hesar (Units 3 and 4), Central Karaj Prison, Greater Tehran Prison, Khorramabad, Shiraz Military Prison, Mashhad, Lakan Rasht, Qaemshahr, Tabriz, Ardabil, Urmia, Salmas, Khoy, Naqadeh, Saqqez, Baneh, Marivan, and Kamyaran prisons.

Denunciation of Executions and Human Rights Abuses:

In their weekly declaration, the striking inmates vehemently condemned the sentencing and enforcement of cruel execution verdicts. They demanded the eradication of the death penalty and an end to what they characterized as a “dehumanizing state.” The statement specifically censured the brutal deaths of Mohammad Mir-Mousavi and Komeil Abolhasani, underscoring the government’s violation of Iranians’ right to life in diverse manners. The prisoners once again implored the liberty-loving populace of Iran and fellow detainees to endorse and join the “No to Execution Tuesdays” cause. Last week, the campaign garnered support from 68 human rights organizations and entities.

Elisabetta Zamparutti Joins the “No to Execution Tuesdays” Movement:

Elisabetta Zamparutti

Elisabetta Zamparutti, a former member of the Italian Parliament and an official of the human rights group ‘Hands Off Cain,’ recently announced her decision to partake in the hunger strike every Tuesday in solidarity with the “No to Execution Tuesdays” initiative. Her involvement underscores the escalating global attention and backing for the crusade against executions in Iran.

Ms. Zamparutti wrote at her Facebook page on September 3: ” The month of August ended in Iran with at least 100 executions carried out in this month alone.
The hunger strike promoted by Iranian political prisoners sentenced to death continues, now in its 32nd week. For some, it is the third Tuesday of participation in the #TuesdaysAgainstExecutions initiative”.

A Testimony of Resilience: Amir Hossein Moradi’s Stand Against Injustice

Amir Hossein Moradi

Amir Hossein Moradi, a political prisoner in Evin Prison and former elite student at Sharif University of Technology, penned a powerful letter expressing his unwavering stance against injustice. He declared that his detention, along with that of other political prisoners, is unlawful as their only “crime” is desiring freedom.

Moradi firmly stated that he has not and will not seek a pardon or leave, believing that it is the state that should beg for mercy from the Iranian people due to the crimes he has witnessed over the years. He emphasized that those responsible for these crimes must be held accountable, particularly for robbing the youth of their future.

In a resolute conclusion, Moradi asserted that he and his fellow prisoners “neither forgive nor forget” the injustices they have endured

Executions in Iran

The “No to Execution Tuesdays” movement continues to gather momentum, fueled by the resilience and resolve of political detainees who refuse to be muzzled by the regime’s repressive tactics. Their persistent hunger strike and unwavering opposition to the death penalty underscore the enduring fight for human rights and justice in Iran, reminding the world of the pressing need to oppose such inhumane practices.

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In Iran, Prisoners Unite for 32nd Week of ‘No to Executions on Tuesdays’ with Global Backing