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Iran’s Rebellious Youth Target Centers of Repression and Corruption

While the Iranian regime continues to double down on repression and executions, Iran’s rebellious youth are showing their resilience by fighting back against the regime’s repressive apparatus. In the past week, rebellious youth across the country targeted centers of repression and corruption.

Rebellious youth in Tehran, Karaj, Mashhad, Shiraz, Yazd, and other cities carried out 60 acts of resistance to break through the regime’s oppression and igniting the flame of hope in the millions of Iranians who are longing for change.

The targets of these operations included various centers of repression such as Basij and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) bases, security offices, courts that issued execution and prison sentences, centers of fundamentalism and terrorism, looting committees, foundations of corruption and plunder, intelligence stations, municipalities, district offices, banners of regime leaders and icons, including Khomeini, Khamenei, Raisi, and Qassem Soleimani.

The sounds of explosions and sights of burned and torn banners were visible in every corner of Iran. These acts of bravery, coming at a time that the regime is desperate to maintain its hold on power and grappling with divisions within its own ranks, are an important catalyst in shaping the next wave of protests and uprisings against the regime.

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Iran’s Rebellious Youth Target Centers of Repression and Corruption