Iran Freedom

Saturday’s Iran Events – July 28, 2018

Iran Events

Maryam Rajavi Calls to Prevent Destruction of the Graves of Victims of 1988 Massacre in Iran

The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, urged the UN Secretary General, the UN Security Council, the UN Human Rights Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and international human rights organizations to immediately take action to prevent the Iranian regime’s systematic destruction of the graves of victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran and removal of the traces of this massacre throughout the country, particularly in Ahvaz.

As the clerical regime’s efforts to prevent the growth of the Call-for-Justice movement has failed and it has not managed to send the massacre of Iranian political prisoners into oblivion, the ruling mullahs are desperately trying to remove the traces for this massacre in a bid to evade the consequences of this genocide and great crime against humanity, Mrs. Rajavi added.

She warned that the destruction of the graves of the martyrs –whether aimed at inflicting a vicious psychological torture on their families or at removing the evidence of this crime against humanity– is a major crime in itself whose masterminds and perpetrators must face justice and be held accountable.

Iran Events

UAE Press: Iran and Al Houthis on a dangerous path

A UAE newspaper has said that Al Houthi rebels failed attack on a Saudi oil tanker in the Red Sea, is an incident that illustrates very clearly the dangers posed by these terrorists to international maritime traffic.

“Clearly, these rebels that represent a miniscule minority of people in Yemen are determined to continue to disrupt international shipping lanes and endanger crew on vessels plying predetermined maritime channels. But the reality too is that these rebels have been given the weapons and mines that threaten these waterways by their masters in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and in the corridors of the regime in Tehran,” the Gulf News wrote in its today’s editorial.

The paper says that over the past years, Tehran has readily armed, trained and provided logistical and technical support to allow Al Houthis to inflict death, injury and suffering on the people of Yemen.

Rapper Detained For More Than a Month Without Lawyer in Iran’s Sistan and Baluchistan Province

Rap artist Shah Baloch, real name Emad Bijarzehi, has been detained in the southeastern Iranian port city of Chabahar without counsel since June 20, 2018, for singing about state oppression against ethnic Baluchis in Sistan and Baluchistan Province.

“He has been interrogated mostly about his songs,” a source with knowledge about the case told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) on July 23. “They asked him why he had defiled the regime and praised Baluchis and congratulated them on Baluchi Cultural Day [March 2]. They wanted to implicate him in working for foreign agents and other [opposition] groups.”

Yemen to Resort to the Security Council against Iran’s Militias

Yemen’s Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani said his country would take urgent measures to face the criminal acts carried out by coup militias in the western coast, which threaten the safety and security of international navigation in the Red Sea.

The interior minister explained that his country had informed the international community of the aggressions perpetrated by the Iran-backed militias against international commercial shipping.

“During the past period, the militias have planted thousands of naval mines sporadically, which contravenes international law and threatens the security of navigation,” he added.

France, strongly, Condemns Iran-backed Houthi Attack on Oil tankers

Paris, Dhu-AlQa’dah 14, 1439, Jul 27, 2018, SPA — France condemned the attack on two oil tankers belonging to the Saudi National Shipping Company, by the Iranian-backed al-Houthi terrorist group.

French Foreign Ministry stressed, in a statement announced here today, the importance of ensuring safety of navigation, in maritime corridors and security, in the region.

Khamenei-linked cleric to head German Islamic centre

An Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) linked-cleric is to head one of Germany’s largest Islamic centers, after being controversially awarded a visa this month.

Ayatollah Mohammad Hadi Mofateh was awarded a three-month visa by German authorities earlier this month, and will take charge of the Hamburg Islamic Centre, one of the oldest mosques in Germany.

A CV of Mofateh’s posted to the internet openly proclaims his affiliation to the IRGC, it also lists him having worked for Voice of the Islamic Republic, a state news channel the head of which is appointed directly by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

The revelations came as US Treasury officials revealed that Iran had been using German companies to acquire advanced printing equipment in order to print counterfeit currency that was being used to finance the group’s war-efforts in Yemen.

American officials said German companies “were being used as a cover by the Iranians to finance the world’s worst humanitarian conflict.”

The IRGC was outlawed as a terror organization by the United States in 2017, but Germany has refused to pass similar legislation.

The IRGC has played a major role in supporting Syrian President Bashar Al Assad in fighting opposition forces, and an increasing role supporting Houthis rebels in Yemen.

White House weighs Iran policy following Trump’s threats

US National Security Advisor John Bolton chaired a National Security Council meeting on Thursday, including Pentagon and other senior officials, to weigh the Trump administration’s Iran strategy. This comes just four days after US President Donald Trump sent a strong, all-caps warning to Iranian regime President Hassan Rouhani.

Members of the administration’s Bolton-chaired Principals Committee focusing on national security issues, including Defense Secretary James Mattis, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other senior officials, are said to have participated.

Word is that this would be only the third time Bolton has convened such a group meeting after assuming his post’s responsibilities in April.




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