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Iran: defiant youth continue their activities against regime

Defiant youth, supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue their anti-regime's activities despite regime's suppression.

Defiant youth continue their activities against Iran’s regime

As the month of January drew to a close, the people of Iran continued to rise up against the regime. They have continued to protest, to strike and to hold anti-government demonstrations. And now, almost half way into the month of February, the unrest across the country is showing no signs of easing up.  

Last week, young people targeted the office of Ahmad Alam al-Hoda, an Iranian cleric that is a representative for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He is the Friday prayer leader of Mashhad and a member of the notorious Assembly of Experts. He is also widely considered one of the most murderous and brutal of all officials in the country.  

The cleric has played a large role in the suppression of the people during the most recent uprisings of January 2018 and November 2019 in the Mashhad area.  

Less than a month ago, Alam al-Hoda said that all of those that burned or tore down photos of Qassem Soleimani, the leader of the Quds Force branch of the notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that was killed during a US drone strike at the beginning of the year, should be executed. He said that the Iranians that are tearing down his photos are colluding with “the enemy” and must be “court martialled”.  

The cleric also said that the British Ambassador in Tehran should be “cut to pieces”. He said: “If this filthy element had been captured by forces loyal to Haj Qassem Soleimani, his ear would have been the largest remaining part of his body.” 

Meanwhile, in the country’s capital, defiant youth targeted the Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office. This office has been a center of suppression and it has been directly responsible for the heavy prison sentences that have been handed out to political dissidents, as well as for the issuance of countless execution sentences.  

The people of Iran want change and they know that they will never truly be free until the regime collapses. They have been told by foreign governments to be patient because the current president – Hassan Rouhani – is the most moderate of presidents in recent times. However, there is nothing moderate about President Rouhani who has presided over thousands upon thousands of executions.  

In any case, President Rouhani, despite his powerful position, is actually rather powerless because he is controlled by the Supreme Leader. It is Khamenei who decides what direction the country’s foreign policy takes. Rouhani is just a mere puppet. Even the fallen Soleimani, Iran’s top terrorist, controlled the country more than the president or anyone else in his office.  

The people of Iran, especially defiant youth are increasingly calling out the Supreme Leader. At the end of last month, the defiant young people in the city of Tehran were seen setting fire to pictures of Khamenei. They are bravely risking arrest, imprisonment and even execution to carry out this act of defiance. Young people were also burning pictures of the Supreme Leader in Ilam, Rasht, Isfahan, Shiraz, Golestan, Ahvaz, Behbahan and Kamyaran showing that the people across the country are united in their discontent.  

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