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Iranian regime has failed to tackle COVID-19 as death toll rises

The spread of the COVID-19 virus across Iran, due to the regime's secrecy, has taken lives of over 1500. Iran has turned to the epicenter of this virus.

The spread of the COVID-19 virus across Iran, due to the regime's secrecy, has taken lives of over 1500. Iran has turned to the epicenter of this virus.

Iran needs world’s help to tackle COVID-19

The Iranian regime chose to keep the coronavirus outbreak in their country a secret, refused to take the necessary preventive measures for containing the virus and instead increased security to contain any protests that could have broken out over their reckless and selfish decision that has led to 1300 deaths.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reported that, as of Thursday, 1,500 people had died from the virus, with 300 deaths in Qom, the epicentre of Iran’s outbreak. The reason that the virus has spread across the country and to other countries so fast is that the regime covered up the initial outbreak, so no one was able to take the precautions they needed to.

The regime didn’t even cancel flights between Iran and China, even after admitting that the COVID-19 had hit Iran. Many countries banned travel to and from China after the initial outbreak, but now neighbouring countries, like Bahrain, and even some further afield, like Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and Canada, have been banning flights to and from Iran after people coming from the Gulf nation brought coronavirus to their shores.

Of course, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is attempting to downplay the crisis, calling it a “blessing”, “not such a big catastrophe”, and a “passing issue”, while claiming that the regime has been keeping people informed and accusing other countries of lying.

Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), responded: “The only thing that matters for this regime and its officials is to keep their grip on power. People’s lives, health, and resources have no value for the ruling mullahs. The Iranian people have suffered the greatest damage and losses under their rule, as a result of external wars, domestic repression, poverty, unemployment, and illnesses.” 

Even regime officials like Masoud Pezeshkian, first deputy speaker of regime’s parliament, are admitting to the crisis and saying that coronavirus should not have been treated so lightly. He said the regime should have quarantined Qom during the initial outbreak and that the figures being reported for deaths and infections are not accurate.

As the regime is next to useless, the international community should help the people tackle this crisis.

Rajavi  said: “The United Nations, World Health Organization, and other international human rights organizations must compel the religious fascism ruling Iran to make public all the facts and figures regarding COVID-19 and provide them to relevant international organizations in order to save the lives of the people of Iran and other countries in the region.”

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