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Nancy Pelosi: America stands in solidarity’ with a free Iran

Nancy Pelosi: America stands in solidarity’ with a free Iran

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and California Democrat

Hello, it is my pleasure to send my warm regards to advocates and friends to a free Iran. This year, the world has watched men and women bravely stand up for their rights in peaceful protests across the country.

Their courage and determination inspires all to recommit to our shared mission, to build a democratic, free and non-nuclear Iran. America stands in solidarity with every Iranian man and woman and child as they fight for the right to speak freely without fear of persecution.

• House Minority Leader Pelosi represents the 12th Congressional District of California and has served in Congress since 1987.

Rep. Brad Sherman, California Democrat

Free Iran

We stand with solidarity with the brave Iranians fighting for this new chapter. Your fight is our fight I want to commend Madam Rajavi for continuing her advocacy for democracy, women’s rights and minority rights in Iran.

Democracy and equality are not just principles we hold here, they are rights that belong to all people — and we hold these ideals by showing our support for the brave protesters in Tehran and Mashhad and across Iran.

• Rep. Sherman is Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.

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Nancy Pelosi: America stands in solidarity’ with a free Iran