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The righteous designation of IRGC as a terrorist organization

April 2019,the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran (DSFI) statement on supporting the designation of IRGC as a terrorist organization.

April 2019,the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran (DSFI) statement on supporting the designation of IRGC as a terrorist organization.


The righteous designation of IRGC as a terrorist organization

On April 10, 2019, the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran (DSFI) released a statement on supporting the designation of IRGC as a terrorist organization. It reads:

The German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran (DSFI), a coalition of German MPs, welcomes the long-overdue designation of IRGC (the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) as a terrorist organization.

On Monday, the US government said that the IRGC’s status as a terrorist organization addresses the fact that the IRGC’s actively has promoted and funded terrorism as an instrument of state policy. At the same time, the EU extended its sanctions against the Iranian government for human rights violations inside the country for one more year. Both steps are necessary actions with which the Iranian regime is impelled to change its inhuman and dangerous policies.

The DSFI has always affirmed that the IRGC, as an ideological military force under the constitution and the will of the religious dictatorship, is the arm, and the repressive instrument of the religious leadership, used against its own people. In addition, the IRGC has the so-called Qods Force, its external division that supports and finances terror outside the country and commits political assassinations.

Furthermore, the IRGC is an economic power that controls key areas of trade and industry in Iran, monitors imports and exports, and makes funds primarily from oil exports. In addition, the nuclear and missile industries and technological development are under their command and supervision.

Ideologically, the IRGC is not only a merciless and inhumane internal apparatus of suppression, but has the constitutional mandate to spread the Iranian revolution through violent fundamentalism throughout the world.

Therefore, the IRGC is a threat to world peace and had to be banned. For too long, many states, including those from Europe, have ignored this peril, and some having instead questioned the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) As a democratic movement for a free Iran the  PMOI/MEK had continued to call attention to the terrorist character of the IRGC. So, the current step of the US government, designation of IRGC as a terrorist organization, is right and worthy of full support.

In addition, the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran calls on the European Union to take appropriate steps. Trade with Iran and ignorance of Iran’s terrorist activities and human rights violations must be stopped.

Otto Bernhardt, DSFI Chairman, Member of the Board of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Martin Patzelt, DSFI board member, Member of the Bundestag

Christian Zimmermann, DSFI Board Member, Publisher Spotlight Human Rights

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