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EP’s Friends of a Free Iran (FoFI) condemns slaughter of Iranian protesters

Friends of a Free Iran FOFI

EP’s Friends of a Free Iran (FoFI) condemns slaughter of Iranian protesters

The Friends of a Free Iran (FoFI) intergroup in the European Parliament has issued a statement about the Iranian regime’s onslaught on the nationwide uprising, calling on the mullahs “to end [this] brutal crackdown on protesters in Iran with hundreds killed, thousands wounded and thousands more arrested”.

Friends of a Free Iran supported Mrs. Maryam Rajavi in the statement

The statement read: “We support the appeal by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran who called this “an uprising to end 40 years of dictatorship and terrorism in Iran”, regime leaders must face justice for crime against humanity.”

Friends of a Free Iran continued: “We urge the European Union and member states to stand with the Iranian people in their desire to live in freedom and democracy and to take urgent action to end the brutal suppression of protesters. We call on EU heads of state or government and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to strongly condemn the crackdown on demonstrators, release all detainees and to support the Iranian people’s uprising for a free and democratic Iran.” 

The protests began on November 15 after the regime tripled the price of fuel overnight and quickly spread to 189 cities, morphing into an overall for regime change, with protesters shouting “Down with [President Hassan] Rouhani”, “Down with [Supreme Leader] Ali Khamenei”, “Down with Dictator”, and “We will not rest until we gain our rights”.  

Crime against humanity

Khamenei ordered the Revolutionary Guards and other security forces to open fire indiscriminately on demonstrations so the number of those killed, now estimated at 1,000, is rising by the day. There are also 4,000 wounded protesters and 12,000 detained. Still, protests continue.

In a statement by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on December 1, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) named 255 victims.  

Friends of a Free Iran’s statement read: “Maryam Rajavi [called] on the international community to undertake urgent measures to stop slaughter and suppression. She urged the United Nations to immediately dispatch fact-finding missions to Iran to ascertain the scope of crime against humanity perpetrated by the regime and to visit those detained. The leaders of the mullahs’ regime must face justice for committing crimes against humanity. Silence and inaction not only violate human rights principles but also embolden the ruling theocracy to continue its crimes and expand them to the region as a whole.”

Friends of a Free Iran was formed in 2003 and enjoys active support from many MEPs of various political groups.

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