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Pandeli Majko’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021- July 10, 2021

Pandeli Majko, Minister of State for Diaspora of Albania, Former Prime Minister, addressed at the Free Iran World Summit 2021 on July 10, 2021.

Pandeli Majko, Minister of State for Diaspora of Albania, Former Prime Minister

Pandeli Majko, Minister of State for Diaspora of Albania, Former Prime Minister, addressed at the Free Iran World Summit 2021 on July 10, 2021.

Dear friends, it is a pleasure for me to address this grand international conference and congratulate organizing such a gathering, the leadership of Maryam Rajavi and the political movement for Free Iran.

Albania has been in support of those who have been suppressed by the regime in Iran. We express our deep concerns about ongoing human rights violations in Iran.

The government of Albania a time ago expelled the Iranian ambassador in Tehran, as well as three deployments of the Iranian embassy, for their engagements against international law. I consider this very important, the resolution No. 180 on 25 April 2021 of the majority members of US Congress in support of the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular and non-nuclear Republic of Iran.

This resolution raised positive and important steps when the Albanian government expelled Iranian diplomats. It is shameful for the officials of Tehran that in February 2021, Belgium court sentenced Iran’s deployment in Vienna with a maximum sentence for his role in planning to plant a bomb in the middle of Europe.

There are clear proof that the electoral system in Iran is degrading for its own reasons. This system is not producing political leaders now, the Iranian people boycotted the last presidential election.

Raisi, accused of crimes against humanity by international human rights organizations, is elected now as president. I am happy that today I stand by the people who want to be part of the future of Iran. With Maryam Rajavi, there is hope that Iran will take the place that the world deserves in the world.

Thank you.

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