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Senator Joni Ernst’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021- July 10, 2021

Senator Joni Ernst, Republican from Iowa – Member of Senate Armed Services Committee, addressed at the Free Iran World Summit 2021 on July 10, 2021.

Hi everyone, this is Senator Joni Ernst, a junior senator from the great state of Iowa. Today I’m honored to come together to share a few words with all of those across the globe who long for a Free Iran and to break the chains of authoritarianism. 

As a combat veteran who has served in the United States uniform for over 23 years, I was proud to fight for the freedoms and liberty we cherish in my country. The same values you are fighting for today. Here in the United States as ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging threats and capacities, I have been urging the Biden administration to prioritize keeping America and the world safe from Iran’s malign behavior and destabilizing activities. The murderous Iranian regime remains the worlds foremost state sponsor of terrorism and poses a significant threat to global peace and security.

Rewarding Iran for continuing to back Hamas and other terrorist organizations, while building up their nuclear arsenal is not the right path to ensuring the safety and security of Americans. The Iranian regime is not an honest broker and the United States should never go back to the failed Iran nuclear deal.

I will continue to urge the president of the United States to remember the threat posed by Iran’s leaders as it exists today and take actions to work for what’s best for peace and security worldwide. I hope the people of Iran can one day be free from the bounds of authoritarianism and support their efforts to throw off the burden of the evil leaders. I look forward to a day when all Iranian men, women gain representation and the rights of free people.

Thank you for inviting me to say a few words today. I hear your voices and stand with you

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Senator Joni Ernst’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021- July 10, 2021