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Janez Janša, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia, Addresses the Free Iran 2022

Janez Janša, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia till June 2022
Janez Janša, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia till June 2022

Excerpts of speech of Janez Janša, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia till June 2022, at the Free Iran 2022 is as follows:

Dear President-Elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, dear participants of the Free Iran world Summit, dear friends,

I regret for not being able to address you in person, but let me first of all emphasize that my message to you today is a message to the Iranian people. We believe there is a democratic alternative to the Mullahs and the west should, therefore, support the organized opposition.

This opposition is powerful and is committed to democracy. Inside Iran, it exists in the form of the MEK Resistance Units. Outside Iran, it exists in the form of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi has granted all democratic values in her Ten Point Plan for a future free Iran.

The plan underscores the need for a secular, nonnuclear and democratically elected republic that rejects both the Shah and the mullahs. It seeks to set up a pluralistic society that respects women’s rights, minority rights, rule of law and peaceful foreign policy.

That is precisely what Iran and the world need in order to avoid the nuclear and terrorism nightmare of the mullahs’ regime. It’s high time that Western governments should recognize the right of the Iranian people to live in freedom.

We are strongly against the latest instance of appeasement by Belgium. The shameful so-called treaty signed with the Iranian regime is allowing it to free the regime’s convicted diplomat-terrorist, Assadollah Assadi. This Belgian proposal will only embolden and encourage Tehran’s agents to conduct more acts of terrorism and violence both against the Iranian people and the international community, including in European capitals.

A brutal Russian aggression on Ukraine triggered by Putin, the closest ally of the Mullahs, should teach us that the era of appeasement is over. Let me conclude saying what I have said many times before.

The Iranian people deserve democracy, freedom and human rights and should be firmly supported by the international community. The Iranian regime must be held accountable for human rights violations and the international community must be firm on this.

Dear friends, you can always count on my understanding and support. Thank you for your attention.

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Janez Janša, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia, Addresses the Free Iran 2022