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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

European Parliament Members Address the Free Iran 2022

European Parliament Members Address the Free Iran 2022 Address the Free Iran 2022

Excerpts of the speeches of the European Parliament Members at the Free Iran 2022 are as follows:

Anna Fotyga MEP from Poland Minister of Foreign Affairs (2006-2007)

Dear friends of free Iran, it is so many years that already, you and we in the European Parliament try to inform and alert free world about the situation in your beautiful country.

The Raisi’s regime that we monitor closely regardless to economic, health, social and security condition is one of the most brutal vicious regimes and we have all the time to raise this issue.

Be sure of my support. I pay the highest regard to your brave leader, madam Maryam Rajavi. I think that your battle is noble one and be sure our standing by you.

Ryszard Czarnecki, Member of the European Parliament From Poland

Dear Madam Rajavi, First of all, I say hello to all my friends in Ashraf 3. Salam Ashraf! Salam Iran!

I salute the bravery and sacrifice of members of the Iranian Resistance and the resistance units inside Iran who have exactly on the verge of bringing an end to the spell of the regime’s crackdown and suppression.

I have a special message to the network of “Resistance Units” associated with the Iranian opposition, the PMOI. You have never given up, and this is how you have shown to the world that from one Ashraf you have spread to all over Iran, and your significant advances are pushing you to the path for freedom.

The message in protests is very clear, you are chanting “No to all forms of dictatorship let it be Shah or clerical rulers.” It is you who will decide what you want for your nation, independence, freedom, and sovereignty.

One of the continuous demands of the regime’s leaders and officials in their talks with the Western governments is to put pressure on the PMOI and NCRI. This is the wrong policy, and it is time to stop relations with this dangerous regime but instead, enter dialogue with the Iranian resistance movement based in Paris, the NCRI to understand its platform for positive peace. The rest, freeing Iran, is achievable by the resistance and people inside of Iran.

Those who claim that there is no alternative to the clerical regime are lying to appease the mullahs. They want the regime’s continued existence to pursue their commercial ties with it.

The agents of the Iranian regime, here in Europe or the west, who try to divert our support for the Iranian resistance is mistaken. You cannot succeed. We are people with democratic values, we know what it means to live under oppression, specially my country Poland, we know what it means to resist for freedom, and we know what helps keep them in power.

I know the alternative. I have been supporting the Iranian democratic opposition for many years. It is the NCRI, under the leadership of Madam Maryam Rajavi. Don’t look anywhere else, she is right here, ready with her people to move forward.

Again, as always, we hope to celebrate the next meeting in a free Iran.  I hope and I cross finger for that. Thank you.

Franc Bogovič, Member of the European Parliament From Slovenia

Dear friends of a Free Iran! Dear Madam Rajavi, I am delighted to be with you in this way, in the Free Iran World Summit. Your steadfast struggle for freedom sets an example!
This year’s fast developments in Iran leave a lot of hope for a quick march towards democracy. I was amazed by the progress achieved by the Resistance Units inside Iran—those brave people, who know no limits in their goals aimed at breaking the atmosphere of terror and the frustration spread by the regime among the population.
At the same time, the people of Iran show a lot of enthusiasm for such brave actions. We heard about major activities such as disrupting the regime’s radio and television or comprising security cameras of Tehran’s municipality IT Center.
And an interesting one, was the major cyberattack on the Ministry of Agriculture’s websites and databases which was a campaign in response to the suppression of the oppressed farmers of Iran, especially in Isfahan.
To break the wall of repression, they defaced pictures of Khamenei on the homepage of the Ministry of Agriculture. This was in response to the brutal attack by the regime’s repressive forces against Isfahan farmers, who opened fire on the deprived farmers, blinding many of them with pellet guns.

Or again when pictures of Mrs. Rajavi appeared on the main state TV emission for seconds, to fill the people with joy. The brave people who are engaged in these, risking their lives, merit all our support.
Those actions point to where to look for the real alternative to the clerical regime in power in Iran.
It is true that the old policy of appeasement vis-à-vis the mullahs has come to an end. But that is not enough. We must be frank and serious to work with those who hold the key to a future Iran.
A country that would live in peace with its neighbors and would respect the most basic rights of its own citizens.

A country that would not seek prohibited armaments to destabilize its neighbors, that would not foment terrorism under the guise of ideological teaching, and that would not rob the Iranian people of their assets to finance illegal adventurism all over the world.
In this respect, we should abandon the failed attempt to be friends with a regime that is determined to get the bomb, and we should try instead to establish contact with the democratic alternative represented in the NCRI.
Madam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for a future Iran represents all the elements and values we respect, so I once more announce my full support for the program, and for your struggle, Madam Rajavi, for a free and democratic Iran.

Javier Zarzalejos, Member of the European Parliament From Spain

Dear Mrs. Rajavi, Dear Iranian friends, I am happy to participate in the Free Iran world summit why I cannot be physically with you in Albania, I did not want to miss this opportunity to send you a message of support and hope from the heart of the European democracy, from the seat of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Allow, please to speak of hope because 34 years after the genocide against the Iranian opposition, Europe is not willing to turn on blind eye to the atrocities committed by the clerical regime.

Earlier this year, the court of Antwerp in Belgium sentenced a diplomat of the Iranian regime to 20 years in prison for planning a terrorist attack with explosives during an annual meeting of your National Council in Paris in 2018. Regardless of what the Belgian government finally decides to extradite or not this terrorist the fact is that the action or the Iranian regime in the European soil will no longer immune because it have been exposed.

The decision of Swedish court to sentence a leader of the Iranian regime involved in the 1988 massacre comes to confront this fact. Sweden is one of the countries with the highest democratic standards in the world and example must serve us as a thought to the rest of the members of the European Union unfold the international community as a whole.

We always claim the summary and extradition execution of 30000 political prisoners held in jails across Iran in summer of 1988 must be investigated and perpetrators of this crime must be brought to justice. The European Parliament group of friends of a free Iran will continue its efforts to recognize the massacre as genocide and as crime against humanity.

Friends of free Iran will also work for the regime to respect the human rights of its Iranian citizen and specially the rights of women and minorities. We are really horrified about the use of death penalty in the Islamic republic of Iran including for the child offenders.

We deeply regret the crimes recently documented that take place in the Iranian prisons: use of torture rape on cruel inhuman and degrading treatment, …. force confessions by political prisoners, solitary confinement, overcrowding, desperate living conditions, starvation, denial of access to medical care and etcetera.

We all serve with admiration how peaceful protest spread across the country despite the terrible repression for the government exerts against protesters. The nation-wide uprising show that the Iranian people are willing to get rid of this murderous regime until we succeed. There is a democratic alternative in Iran and for Iranians. Like all citizens in the world have the right to choose their future. They have a right to freedom and democracy. The Iranian society has also the right to prosperity and opposite to poverty and misery to which the clerical regime advocates them.

I sincerely wish you a successful summit, which will allow you to convey the democratic alternative for Iran to the whole world from the European Parliament. As co-president of the group of friends of Iran and I also want to send the message of support to all the people in Iran who continue to fight for the rights and for the better future of the cost of enormous person sacrifices.

Finally, I would like also to thank the Iranian resistance in the exile led by Mrs. Rajavi who tirelessly fight in the international community and for the international community to aware of the real situation in the Islamic republic of Iran. Good luck.

Petras Auštrevičius, MEP From Lithuania, Chair of the Delegation for Relations With Afghanistan

Mrs. Rajavi, dear friends all participants of free Iran world summit, congratulation for your gathering.

This is an important event to emphasize once again to the world that free Iran is not just an empty phrase.

It is fulfilled actions and determination of people, people as Mrs. Rajavi, her partners and friends and all those who take part in this very complicated but so needed resistance.

It is not about only Iran’s future; it is about the region’s future and world’s future so that’s why I fully support the actions taken by you and I hope this activity and resistance will continue. Recently we heard about the deal between Belgium and Iran.

A terrorist, Assadi can’t be freed. He made a crime and he must pay. So, we give a very bad signal to all those from Iran regime engaged into fight against these people in killing and making crimes.

I hope we’ll learn a lesson out of this. Let me to congratulate you and wish you a very fruitful work and good agreement and more determination in resistance fighting for your country future free Iran.

Jacek Saryusz Wolski, MEP From Poland, Former Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee, Ex EP Vice Chair

Dear Mrs. Rajavi, Dear Iranian friends, I am happy to have this opportunity to speak to you today at the Free Iran Global Summit, entitled, “Iran on the Brink of Change, Resistance, Key to Victory.”

I have been among friends of the Iranian fighter for many years. I have followed your efforts throughout these years that I have been a member of the European Parliament including when I chaired the Foreign Affairs Committee. I would like to emphasize the extra ordinary links between our two countries, Poland and Iran. Iran occupies very special place in Polish hearts.

Indeed, by the time when Poland has been absent as a state on Europe’s map because of hostile takeover by our neighbors, Iran was one of very few countries in the world that never officially recognized partition of our country. Polish people will always remain grateful to Iran for hosting polish refugees from Soviet Union during this world war 2nd.

What unites us is love and devotion to freedom. You yourself give the highest proof of that. We both have learned from dramatic moment that the freedom is the highest value. That’s why we share your quest and support your fight against tyranny and oppression and to recover freedom and independence.

Dear Iranian friends, you and your movement will always find friends of free Iran in the European Parliament. I wish you all the best.

Susanna Ceccardi, MEP From Italy

First of all, I would like to thank the organizer of this event for the invitation. I am sorry I couldn’t come. Unfortunately, some commitments keep me away from you today. However, I couldn’t miss this opportunity to tell you about the democracy because the democracy is a word that should belong to every country and people.

This is not the case with your land Iran with which I have often had to deal and which with great regret is a governed by a regime that continues to stand out for corruption, the lack of protection of Human Rights, criminal action and no compliance with the nuclear agreement. I am recording this video for you from the heart of the European democracy for express my support in the strongest possible term for the brave people of Iran in particular to the women who are at the forefront of the fight against the misogynist and criminal regime.

I wanted to tell you that you are not alone. The Europe will not abandon you. The future of Iran is the center of our thought. Do not doubt that my personal commitment will continue. Because a firm policy of condemnation of the regime is necessary.

As a member of the European foreign affairs committee, I am committed to make this necessary for political change. You the Iranian people and your resistance terrible task and we firmly believe the action of president Raisi can only be condemned.

You the Iranian people determine the future of your country. Not the brutal regime that is in power only through the execution, torture and terrorism.

Without doubt, I am with you. Asking the international community and to the European leader to closely follow the world summit of Free Iran to see the existing democratic alternative for the future of Iran and listen directly to the Iranian resistance and inspirational leader Mrs. Maryam Rajavi presenting the real Iranian solution based on ten-point democratic platform. Thank you.

Antonio López Istúriz White, MEP From Spain

Dear friends, Thank you for the opportunity, to share a few words in this year’s edition of free Iran summit.  Perhaps now more than ever, Iranian society are facing incredible challenges: unemployment, inflation, natural disasters, water and electricity crisis. Poverty has become widespread; starvation has affected millions. The Iranian people know it doesn’t have to be this way.

We are living in a new phase of cold war. On one hand we have the democracies who protect individual freedoms and on the other hand we have autocracies and dictators who only protect their interests.

The democratic west has a duty to listen and support the democratic voices around the world. To support those in Iran who confront its totalitarian system. The scale of protest aim at the regime has made apparent to every observer that Iranian people want the fundamental change.

Change that will transform the current corrupt system to a democratic rule based on popular sovereignty. It is time for the international community to side with the people of Iran under desire for a free society.

Friends, the west rose to the occasion for Ukrainians in order to defend liberty against all authoritarianism. We must have the courage to continue this fight everywhere in the world and support those who cry out for democracy. 

Milan Zver, Member of the European Parliament From Slovenia

Dear Mrs. Rajavi, Dear Colleagues and friends in Ashraf 3, I would like to greet all the participants of the 2022, Free Iran World Summit.

We realize that Iran is in a very important situation right now. The Iranian people are the victims of widespread arrests, executions and suppression on the opposite side your resistance has been strengthening and shaking the regime.

Four decades of brutal oppression by the regime has also been met with four decades of courageous fight by democratic opposition and the Iranian people

I would like to take this opportunity to support Mrs. Rajavi. We joined her at the European Parliament to end the regime’s impunity and to seek justice for victims of the 1988 massacre, and to hold the perpetrators of this grave crime against humanity and genocide, accountable.
Dear friends in Iran who are watching right now.
I know times have been tough and the price you have paid has been high, but you should know that you are not alone. In front of you, there is a leader and an alternative who have promised not to stop until you reach freedom and democracy. We Europeans will do all we can to help you. Thank you.

Rasa Juknevičienė, Member of the European Parliament and Former Defense Minister From Lithuania

I record this greeting to your Congress on the day that the Iranian regime’s military aid to the aggressor Russia was announced. Today, it is very clear that dictatorships are trying to unite against the free world. The resistance of the Ukrainian people is important for the future of the whole world. The Ukrainian people are fighting not only for their country, not only for the freedom of their people, but also for those who are fighting for the liberation of their countries from dictatorships.
So, also for the future of the Iranian people. All the aggressive regimes are well aware of this, which is why they are trying to save Putin. However, the future is not in the hands of dictators. It is not possible to put everyone in prison, it is not possible to destroy everyone with bombs.
The Iranian people, who have brought so much culture and progress to the world, deserve to live in an open, world-friendly state.
I believe that both your struggle and that of the Ukrainians will be won. We must come together as never before. I wish you all endurance and strong faith.

Petri Sarvamaa, MEP From Finland

As a politician and as a journalist before joining the European Parliament, I have always looked at Iran, the Iran’s case, as to understand what to the Iranian people’s, ongoing and tireless resistance against such a brutal regime was.
The key to endless perseverance of the Iranian people, and its organized resistance has been powerful motivations and setting sight on a bright and magnificent horizon and not being intimidated by the merciless torturers and by the Iranian regime.

Me, as well as many of my colleagues here at the European Parliament, have always been critical of the EU’s appeasement policy towards Iran and have said time and again that this regime cannot be trusted. It is a ruthless dictatorship which has no equivalent in contemporary era. So you have to be very naive to even think that this regime can be reformed by itself.
But it is equally important to state that the people of Iran have been clear as to not looking back at the past. You have been chanting no to all forms of dictatorship, let it be Shah or clerical rulers. What they clearly want, what you clearly want, is a free, fair republic.

Madam President, dear members and dear friends of the resistance, dear courageous Iranians across your great country in the years I have been active in the European Parliament for a little over ten years now. I can tell you that you have found a friend in me, as you have in so many other members of the European Parliament.
Madame Rajavi, be sure of my continued support and be sure that you have many friends here in the European Parliament who are standing by you and believe that you will overcome very soon.

So, therefore, it is ever more important that we unite behind and support the democratic movement that has led this battle in all these years and has paid the price for freedom.

The PMOI and the NCRI under the leadership of Maryam Rajavi with her democratic platform that guarantees the rights to all citizens, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, faith or political tendency, that they are all really liable alternative to this regime. I wish you all success.

Lukas Mandl, MEP From Austria

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests’ participants of the Free Iran world summit 2022, I feel privilege that I have the opportunity to address you.

My name is Luka Mandl, member of the European parliament from Austria and I address you today from the European parliament’s premises here in Brussels. and I want to share with you my thoughts, you based in Tirana in Albania today, which I also feel very connected as with all the six Balkan countries.

More less all the free world is highly represented in this conference this year. And this is a clear signal for the freedom of the people of Iran and for peace on earth because Iran is a threat to its own people to its citizens of the country as well as to the world. And this is why we have to stick together.

We have to support each and every movement that thoroughly works for freedom and liberty in Iran and thoroughly works against violence and against hatred. And if there is lesson learned from recent development, I mean the kremlin led attack against Ukraine and the values of all political rest of all the free world actually which apply to each and every person on earth and if there is lesson learned it is the one that violence must not be accepted as an option anymore and haltered must not be accepted as a position anymore and this is also true for Iran.

Iran, the government the regime this dictatorship treats its own citizen very bad, and Iran is also outreaching to the world with the violence with the proxies who do terrorist activities special Israel is affected by this.

I have the privilege to chair the Trans-Atlantic friends of Israel group in the European Parliament which is mighty parties and the inter parliamentary group and I know this hatred and this ongoing attacks against Israel from Iran and via proxies, but also Europe is affected actually the whole world is affected by violence as an option as it is conducted by the regime in Iran. We have to overcome this.

We have to overcome this for the citizen of Iran themselves because they deserve freedom and proper dwelling in dignity and as each and every person on earth would deserve and the world deserves peace. Actually, and this is also one of the reasons why we have high interest into overcoming this regime and to support each and every power who tries to achieve freedom and peace and understanding, and democracy and rule of law. that’s why I highly appreciate that we are connected.

I am on other things negotiating as shed of rapporteur on the Syria report of the European parliament and the middle east is very close to my heart and very high agenda point on my responsibilities and my priorities in my parliamentary work because the middle east is important and for the whole world the development of the middle east is important and the greatest concerned in the middle east is Iran that’s why freedom in Iran and different government for Iran is important for the people there and  for the world.

Thanks again for having me at least via video message all the best for you. Regards from Brussels.    

Veronika Vrecionová, MEP From Czech Republic

Dear Mrs. Rajavi, ladies and gentlemen, I am Veronika Vrecionova, member of the European Parliament, from the Czech Republic, and I am glad to join the free Iran summit at least remotely.

Freedom, democracy, justice and peace is something that we all need to cherish, work on and not take it for granted as also recent development in Ukraine showed. We also should not forget that despite difficult times in Europe, there are still regimes in the world, that continue to pursue their intimidating and aggressive politics not only towards other states but worst of all, towards their own people.

Nevertheless, aggressive, and tyrannical regimes of any origins, either Russian or Iranian, will be defeated and will not last forever and will pay for their crimes.

We applaud the work of the Iranian resistance led by Mrs. Rajavi and her team of dedicated people who were able to manage to put the massacre of 1988 to the court in Sweden and thus reminding the world that people whose lives were lost so prematurely will not be forgotten.

This dedicated seek of justice for many years is the least tribute they can pay to the murdered people. Ebrahim Raisi, who was directly involved in this massacre is now head of the state continuing his atrocities on his own people, on Iranian people. We admire the courage of all citizens who show their disapproval of these non-democratic regimes. People, who are intimidated, killed, imprisoned only for wanting a better life, freedom, justice, and peace.

With joined effort, justice and freedom will prevail. I wish your resistance group and Mrs. Rajavi courage and faith to continue this diplomatic battle for free Iran.

David Casa, MEP From Malta

Dear Mrs. Rajavi, and Dear Friends, First of all, I would like to thank you for your kind invitation. Of course, as a Maltese member of the European Parliament, I understand the struggle for the democracy. Decades ago, the Maltese people only experienced the rule of law and speeches, but of course not in practice.

Today, after all these years Malta enjoys status as full member of the European Union and even now after all these years, the members of the European Union, we must continue the strive to uphold the rule of law. Because the democracy is not something you obtain once and then forget about, we must live it, we must protect it every day and this is why we understand what the Iranian people are going through.

We understand your wish for a better life, where your rights are protected where the rule of law works and the institutions function. And what institution protect innocent citizens and not a regime, a regime that has taken hold of a country and its people, a regime involved in human right abuses, torture, unfair trial and illegal detention. 

The European parliament does not ignore human right abuses that takes place outside its borders. We are serious about our values and so we cannot ignore those who inspire us with their struggle.

I will continue of course to advocate for the human rights for all Iranians not least those that are on the front line. Those are doing what they can to better for their nation and work for peace and justice.

And I will continue to support you in any way that I can, I thank you for your courage and determination and I hope that your efforts may eventually lead to a free Iran. Good luck and thank you.   

Raffaele Fitto, Member of the European Parliament From Italy

I am pleased to address also this year the Global Summit for a Free Iran. Unfortunately, I cannot attend it in person, but with this message I would like to express my fully support and solidarity to your cause.
Madam President Rajavi, ladies and gentlemen, parliamentarians and dignitaries.

As we already know, since Ebrahim Raisi became president of Iran the number of violations and executions has increased considerably, and we are convinced that, European Union, and other international organizations must take concrete steps to end the regime’s impunity and holt it accountable.

It’s important to create the conditions for a democratic, pluralistic and secular state.
The European Union and Member states must react and not leave the Iranian people behind who have suffered immensely under the current regime. In addition, I would express my concern about the recent news from Belgium for an agreement on
the possible exchange of prisoners with Iran. The draft law is unacceptable.
Another cause for our concern is the closeness between the Iranian regime and Moscow. We condemn any kind of support by Iran. Therefore, in order to support real change in Iran, EU must cooperate and strengthen our relationship for the benefit of the Iranian people, human rights, peace, and security in the region. I strongly believe that by the discussion taking place during the global summit, we could further strengthen our dedication in finding effective solutions to the problems in Iran.

Liudas Mažylis, MEP From Lithuania

I am Professor Mazylis, a member of the European Parliament from Lithuania, a nation who permanently stood up and resisted against the occupiers.
Lithuanian proclaimed their independence in 1918 then was occupied by the Soviet and regained its independence in 1990. We Lithuanian people totally understand the value of resistance. I have learned that your resistance has been steadfast for over 50 years since it was founded in your country Iran in 1965 during the Shah dictatorship and that continued since the revolution in 1979 to date to establish a free and democratic nation.
The right of the people to choose the form of government for the future Iran, where the ballot box is the only criterion for legitimacy. The abolition of death penalty, separation of religion and state, and equally must be guaranteed.
My colleagues and I in the European Parliament have kept insisting that relations with Iran must be conditioned on improvement of human rights. I have seen the book of the 1988 massacre, and I am very moved for the resistance of the victims. Unfortunately, political massacre in Iran continues.
In the European Parliament, we will keep continue whatever it takes to hold all perpetrators of this horrific crimes accountable. We will do everything possible so that you also can cherish democracy in a free country, which the people of Iran well deserve.
Until then Mrs. Rajavi, dear colleagues, please know that you can count on me.

Cristian Silviu Buşoi, MEP From Romania

Distinguish audience, I am Cristian-Silviu Busoi from Romania and the Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy. I would like to send from Strasbourg plenary my greetings to all attending the Free Iran World Summit 2022.

As the regime in Iran continues to export terrorism, intensifies domestic crackdown with almost 500 executions since last year and accelerates its nuclear, ballistic missile and enrichment programs, we must admit that we need to do more and the EU’s policy regarding Iran needs may be to be changed.

Just like the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Mrs. Maryam Rajavi has said many times during her visits to the European Parliament: “The regime is buying time; it is deceiving the world and is a threat not only to the people of Iran but also to global peace and security.”

We need to recognize the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people, and we should aid for the real democratization of Iran. The EU-Iran relation is based on the Joint statement dating 2016 and much has changed since.

On one hand we also need to recognize the world and the Union is now confronting with many difficult challenges: the pandemic, the inflation, the energy prices crisis, the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia that addressed by the EU level and each government and must be addressed further but on the other hand there are challenges that the Iranian people face, and we should not forget.

The EU needs to stand with the Iranian people who want freedom and democracy please know that you can count on me and many of my colleagues as we’ll continue to support your cause for a free and democratic country. Thank you and all the best!

Ladislav Ilčić, MEP From Croatia

Dear friends, dear Mrs. Rajavi, It’s with great pleasure that I speak to you today, particularly since I know that the people of Iran are listening. I am Ladislav Ilcic from Croatia, member of the European Parliament.

I join my other colleagues to take this opportunity to express my solidarity with the brave people of Iran who have shown that they are looking only basic things for their homeland and nation and that is freedom and democracy.
I share your worries regarding the fact that current Iranian leadership is linked with 1988 massacre of 30000 political prisoners. We have witnessed that current regime continuously shows unfair sentences to clamp down on its opponents, protesters and religious minorities.
Although article 18 of the universal declaration and human rights states that everyone has the rights to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, in Iran a religious minority are subjected to targeted violence because their free choice of belief is being challenged by the ruling religious dictatorship.

I came from a country that has an experience the life under communist totalitarian regime. My people were also exposed to political repression for almost 45 years.
We too dreamed freedom and hope for better days to come. Therefore, my message to you is to keep believing and fighting for these goals because it is a just cause. Day by daydream free and democratic Iran is closer as long as you keep being faithful to yourself and ideals.
Thanks to the organization such as the friends of free Iran, the truth about Iran cannot be hidden. Therefore, my colleagues from the European Parliament and I will support you all the way and not just support but also learn from you about the dedicated patriotism, promotion of human rights and unbreakable will of a nation to stay free.
To the people of Iran who are watching today, we will continue to do all we can to help you achieve your rightful goal for freedom in your country. I wish all of the success to your work.

Stanislav Polčák, MEP From the Czech Republic

Dear friends of the Iranian resistance, I’m happy to speak to you and to the people of Iran who are joining the Free Iran Global Summit in this forum. This year’s event is entitled Iran on the brink of change, resistance key to Victory. Dear Madame Rajavi, congratulations. Congratulations for your tireless ‘fight for freedom in Iran since I have to know you.

You have overcome all the battles that were placed in front of you and your movement to stop you from moving forward. The policy of appeasement, which has been the main mechanism to keep the cruel regime of Iran in power, has never succeeded. Your movement worked hard to send an official of the regime involved in the 1988 massacre life in prison in a Swedish court. Now it is time for Raisi and Khamenei. You have denounced the shameful deal between the Belgian government and the Iranian regime.

While even the EU Council updated its terror list, with the number five person being the convicted Iranian Terrorist Assadi, the Belgian government is pressuring the release him at the request of the dangerous regime of Iran. This is shameful. From my personal experience in my country, the Czech Republic then we resisted the tyranny. Change finally came. It took many years, and a higher price was paid.

However, we are living in a democracy today, and my foremost wish for you is to see a free Iran. The people of Iran have been fighting for freedom, rejecting Iran be it’s the Shah dictatorships or the Mullahs theocracy. And this will bring about change is still vibrant and fresh… hear the resistance units and networks activities through Iran. Qassem Soleimani statue was destroyed the very day it was inaugurated. The regime’s radio and television broadcasted Madame Rajavi‘s message and her pictures.

And despite intensive suppression, however, the regime has not been able to stop the people of Iran from continuing to resist. And it is clear that there is one legitimate alternative in Iran. It is democratic opposition.
The NCRI, under leadership of Madam Rajavi. Dear friends, as the Iranian regime is benefiting from the war on Ukraine, it is important to emphasize that in these very complicated times over… Europe, we understand the meaning of resisting for freedom.

Your movement has not put down this flag for even one day. And I know you will succeed it. Madam Rajavi, you and your movement can always count on me and my colleagues in the France of Free Iran at the European Parliament. May we celebrate this summit next year in Free Iran. Thank you.

Audronius Ažubalis, MEP and Former Foreign Minister of Lithuania

Last year in August 2021, while on the panel of a conference about the 1988 massacre in Iran, I ended my speech with a quote from a famous British philosopher, Edmund Burke, and I now want to begin with it. He said the only thing necessary for the truth of evil is for good men to do nothing.
For more than four decades, the evil regime ruling Iran has benefited from good men doing nothing.

It has tried to hide its catastrophic nuclear program from making a bomb until 2002 when the NCRI revealed it and awakened the world. It has tried to hide its expansionist meddling in the regional countries under the ridiculous term of expert of revolution, killing hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in different countries of the region. And it has also tried to hide its diplomacy of hostage taking and blackmail, where it arrests citizens of different nationals and holds them as hostages to blackmail their governments, as it recently did the Belgian government to release its terrorist diplomat Assadi, who is in jail in Belgium to face justice.
This treaty with Iran is stunt amount to provide impunity for the Iranian regime’s terrorists. Europe must not submit to blackmail by a terrorist regime. This regime has always been on the evil side of the history. Now this evil has survived for four decades because the good people are doing nothing, or perhaps because the good people love Iran soil and therefore are doing nothing.

This is shameful. We should never want Iran’s oil because it smells blood. The blood of 30,000 innocents who were brutally massacred in 1988 and the blood of those who were shot dead during all these years protests and are still being killed in protest for human rights and democracy.

At the moment, we have to admit that the European Union and other western countries have to concentrate on the progress of the war and aid in Ukraine, while the people of Iran remain neglected. However, we want to act, and I think that a real, really powerful and effective way is to organize Iranian resistance movement led by Maryam Rajavi presentation campaign in all parliaments of European Union countries starting from this autumn, during which the situation in Iran would be explained in details and effective ways and the improvement of the progress in Iranian resistance would be found.

Ljudmila Novak, Member of the European Parliament From Slovenia

This is the first message I have for you, dear friends of the Iranian opposition, that very soon, with your tireless effort, that dawn of freedom will finally rise over your country too. Your friends, your efforts and your struggle is commendable because you are working hard to realize the Iranian people’s desires which to live in freedom and democracy.
I have been following your cause for many years and I know that the people of Iran are more determined than ever to continue the struggle for freedom. The Iranian people have struggled for freedom against both the Shah dictatorship and that of these present regimes.
But in the end, it is always the will and force of a nation that will prevail during the ongoing and unstoppable protests in Iran.

Right now, the people of Iran demonstrate their determination for change. The advancements of the resistance network in city run is important. We hear and follow the activities as they have expanded throughout all of Iran.
This shows that the people of Iran and resistance are countering the regime’s suppression and the regime has failed to put out the flames of freedom in Iran. The regime’s regional strategy has hit a dead end.

Corruption is widespread. The Iranian people realize that the suffering and poverty they face is because the mullahs have plundered Iran’s wells. The regime is using executions, high numbers of executions, to overshadow the public or trade, as well as their regional and international Ferrers. However, what is important is that there is hope despite all this darkness.
There is a strong alternative in the National Council of Resistance of Iran that ensures Iran’s transition from a democracy to a democratic, nonnuclear republic based on the separation of religion and state and gender equality.

All of this is found in Mrs. Rajavi’s ten point plan for a Free Iran and we at the European Parliament support it.
I speak today to the Iranian people so that they are inspired to know that the representatives of European nations and European Parliamentarians hear their voice and that we will continue to support your couse. Mrs. Rajavi, thank you and please know that your people can count on me. Thank you.

Kosma Złotowski, MEP From Poland

My special greetings go to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI president-elect, for whom I wish all success. I was touched by the progress materialized this year by the resistance network inside the country which is flaring up in the shape in an ongoing permanent uprising against the ruling injustice, negligence and repression.
The Resistance Units continuous actions against the ruling regime send a strong message to the rising population, a message of hope, of unity, of perseverance. The ruling clergy, Ali Khamenei and Ebrahim Raisi and all other in key positions who are at the helm of the brutal dictatorship shall have no future other than that of what happened with the overthrown Shah.
More than the successful push on the terrain, the resistance has achieved an important political gain especially in the international area.
You have shown the world that an era marked with appeasement and closing one’s eyes on the atrocities in Iran has ended, and the new one has begun, which implies holding Iran’s current rulers accountable even in international courts of justice.
Thanks to your incessant endeavors, the most important international bodies are now seeking the end of the impunity enjoyed by Iran’s rulers, which has been fueled by the western appeasement to this day towards their actions.
The end of this era marks the beginning of a new hope of a new one in which we should open our eyes to the true democratic alternative to the clerical regime. Iran cannot and would not go back. There is no way but forwards.
Iran’s future could be crystallized more than anything in concepts like those presented by you, Madam Rajavi, in your ten-point plan that I wholeheartedly support. I wish you all success.

Alexandr Vondra, Member of the European Parliament From Czech Republic

My name is Alexander Vondra. I am a member of the European Parliament from the Czech Republic and also from the fraction of the European conservatives and reformers. And I would like to greet all activists for a free, democratic Iran in this video message for the Free Iran global summit.
The current Iranian government is not only disrespectful of the basic human rights and acts as threatening elements of international relations with its support for terrorism, but is also unable to guarantee the basic needs of the Iranian people.
The regime is tightening … on its critics and suppressing the opposition.
Instead of addressing the major economic and political challenges which countries facing not only as a politician but also as a former political prisoner of the totalitarian regime in then Czechoslovakia, I want to express my support for all those who are now suffering in Iran in the struggle for freedom and elementary human rights.
Thank you for the opportunity, and long live a free Iran.

Alessandro Panza, MEP from Italy

Dear friends, I am very delighted to co-sign a statement along with almost 200 other members of the European parliament to recognize the 1988 massacre as a genocide and crime against humanity and to put an end to impunity of perpetrators of this heinous crime.

We in the European Parliament have been very critical on the appeasement policy towards Iran. We have kept insisting that relations with Iran must be conditioned to improvement of human rights. Right now, this is even more crucial as the current so-called president Ebrahim Raisi has been involved in serious human rights violations for the past four decades and the record and history behind this new selected president is very disturbing.

High Representative Borrell’s visit to Tehran in June, to save the failed JCPOA is a simple slap in the face of millions of Iranians who are and have been in the streets or in the regime’s prisons for the simple wish to have fundamental rights and freedoms. The very people of Iran which we told in our resolutions at the European Parliament, that we hear you and support you!

Doing business with the regime will only fill the pocket of the dangerous IRGC and reinforce the suppressive bodies and agencies in charge of exporting terrorism. This is only making the world more dangerous, not safer because this regime cannot be trusted!

The mullahs are using the nuclear talks to silence the international community about Iran’s worsening human rights situation and its terrorism and meddling in the region.

But, in the end, we all know the Iranian regime is in a deadlock and has no future but inevitable downfall.

This will be achieved by the Iranian people. I am confident!

We as the representative of the millions of European citizens will do our outmost efforts to support the Iranian opposition led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten points plan for the future of Iran guarantees a free and democratic nation, which the Iranians deserve very much. Thank you!

Attila Ara-Kovács MEP From Hungary, Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defense

My name is Attila Ara-Kovac. I am a member of the European Parliament from Hungary. I want to join the international parliamentarians and Iranians from all around the world who attend the Free Iran summit in Ashraf 3 in Albania to express my support and solidarity with the people of Iran.

The regime in Iran has left the people with no option other than popular resistance to achieve their freedom.

As the member of Subcommittee on Security and Defense, I believe the theocratic dictatorship in Iran represents a serious threat to Europe even in pursuit of nuclear weapons and acts of terrorism against the Iranian dissidents on European soil through its embassies and diplomats.

Therefore, continuing the policy of appeasement toward the regime in Tehran is wrong, dangerous and in favor of regime that suppress the people. The EU must stand with the people of Iran and their resistance movement. This shows that the future of Iran is with the people and their resistance and that the democratic change is within reach.
I wish the brave people of Iran all the success and courage they quest for freedom. Please be assured of my continue support, and they must not forget we heard them, and we always support them. Thank you.

Anna Bonfrisco, MEP From Italy

Helmut Geuking, MEP From Germany

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