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Iran Protests: Maryam Rajavi Meeting With a Group of MEPs

Maryam Rajavi: The people of Iran want Europe to recognize their right to defend themselves against the regime’s brutal attacks, and to fight for their freedom

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), had a meeting with MEPs at the invitation of the Friends of a Free Iran Committee. In this meeting, Mrs. Rajavi explained the latest developments related to the nationwide Iranian people’s uprising.   

The Friends of Free Iran issued a press release regarding the meeting between Mrs. Rajavi and a group of MEPs.

The full text of this press release is as follows: 

European Parliament 

 Friends of a Free Iran (FoFI)  

Press release 

Strasbourg, October 5, 2022 – On the eve of a vote on a resolution at the European Parliament in support of the Iranian people’s nationwide protests, at the invitation of the Friends of Free Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi,

The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) explained the latest developments related to the Iranian people’s uprising to a group of members of the European Parliament.

Mrs. Rajavi said, “Today, Iran is on the brink of change, and women play a major role in the current uprising against this misogynist regime that denies women’s basic rights.”

“The true objective of the men and women in Iran is regime change and the establishment of a free and democratic republic, based on separation of religion and state,” she added.

Mrs. Rajavi said, “The people of Iran expect more than words of condemnation or sympathy from European countries. They expect practical steps, including, among others, the recognition of their right to defend themselves against the brutal attacks by the regime, and recognition of their right to resist and fight for their freedom.”

She also called on EU member states to shut down the regime’s embassies, recall their ambassadors from Iran, and subject any economic relation with the regime to the end of suppression and the release of all political prisoners.

In the meeting, Mr. Javier Zarzalejos, co-chair of the Friends of Free Iran intergroup, while appreciating Ms. Rajavi’s explanations, said that we in the European Parliament support your resistance, we are indebted to you for your long-term resilience against this regime. We are surprised by the courage of the Iranian people, especially women, during the demonstrations that are going on in Iran these days. Women’s protest is not only against the mandatory hijab but goes back to the systematic and serious violations of their fundamental rights.

Mr. Milan Zver, the co-chair of Friends of Free Iran, said that we in the European Parliament are deeply grateful for your courage in opposing the religious dictatorship. Yesterday in the European Parliament, all speakers from left to right supported the resistance that is going on in Iran these days and this was a clear message to the Iranian regime.

Referring to the wave of protests of the Iranian people, Mr. Stanislav Polcak said we are shocked to hear the news of people being killed in the streets, and we condemn this violence against the people. We have seen the strong desire of the Iranian people to destroy the regime, not only these days, but for several decades. You deserve freedom.

Mr. Jan Zahradil said, I salute your patience and courage as you have been leading this resistance, which is the most organized resistance movement, for decades. The violence carried out by the regime these days was the last straw for those who still thought that it was possible to negotiate with this regime and that peaceful change was possible. Change is possible in Iran, there is only one precondition, and that is to stop concessions and negotiations with this regime and to stop appeasement. This policy has not worked, and it will not work.

Mr. José Manuel Fernandes stated that there is a consensus among all the democratic forces in the European Parliament that a ruthless dictatorial regime is in power in Iran, and I think that the European Parliament has a duty to the people of Iran. To support the Iranian resistance that defends democratic values.

Mr. Helmut Geuking said that the uprising in Iran, which is led by women, cannot stand idly by. We support you in the European Parliament, this regime does not represent the people of Iran.

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Iran Protests: Maryam Rajavi Meeting With a Group of MEPs