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Majority of California Legislature Endorses Iranian Uprising and Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan

A total of forty-two members from the California Legislature have affixed their signatures to letters demonstrating their backing for the recent revolution of the Iranian people. They have also expressed their support behind Mrs. Maryam Rajavi‘s comprehensive blueprint, known as the Ten-Point Plan, that outlines the future trajectory of Iran.

In this group of signatories, twenty-eight belong to the Democratic Party, while the remaining fourteen are affiliated with the Republican Party, all of whom constitute a portion of the eighty-strong California Legislature. These lawmakers particularly highlight the Iranian people’s unequivocal rejection of both monarchical autocracy and religious authoritarianism.

A substantial majority of the California representatives underline the solidarity of the American people with the aspirations of Iranians for a democratic republic that is non-nuclear. This envisioned Iran would be characterized by a clear separation between religion and state, and a foreign policy rooted in harmonious coexistence.

Furthermore, they expound that the unwavering solidarity between the American people and their Iranian counterparts is unmistakably evident in the significant support garnered for the 118th Congress Resolution 100 within the United States House of Representatives.

This resolution gives its backing to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi‘s Ten-Point Plan, which delineates principles such as universal suffrage, unimpeded electoral processes, a flourishing market economy, as well as equity in terms of gender, religion, and ethnicity. The plan also advocates for peaceful coexistence and a nuclear-free Iran.

The prevailing sentiment within the majority of the California Legislature is that the ongoing uprisings witnessed in Iran can be traced back to over forty years of meticulously orchestrated resistance against dictatorial rule. These movements are spearheaded by tenacious women who have persevered through immense hardships, including torture, sexual abuse, and even loss of life.

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