Iran Freedom

MEP Javier Zarzalejos, Chair of FOFI, Releases Video Statement on EP Session With Mrs. Maryam Rajavi On November 22, 2023

MEP Javier Zarzalejos, Chair of FOFI, Releases Video Statement on EP Session With Mrs. Maryam Rajavi On November 22, 2023
MEP Javier Zarzalejos from Spain

MEP Javier Zarzalejos from Spain, the head of the EP’s Friends of a Free Iran intergroup, conducted a video message explaining the meeting of several MEPs with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) at a conference in the European Parliament on November 22, 2023.

The text of this video message is as follows:

The European Parliament has expressed its support to Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former member and Vice President of the Parliament, and has condemned the attack against him, carried out by hitmen in Madrid on the 9th of November.

Alejo Vidal Quadras was shot in the face, but he was able to save his life. He’s now recovering from the serious wounds caused by the attack. It was Alejo himself who pointed at the Iranian regime as responsible for this attempted killing. And though the Spanish police had not come up to a final conclusion yet, the shooting is being investigated by the national court as a case of terrorism.

This week in the plenary, Madam Maryam Rajavi, leader [President-elect] of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, is visiting the Parliament in Strasburg to discuss with MEPs the situation in Iran and the horrifying repression that the regime is conducting against the Iranian population.
Iran has become a global threat. The Iranian regime is acting in Gaza through Hamas, in Lebanon and Syria, through Hezbollah in Yemen, through the Houthi faction, and it is the main ally of Russia in its invasion of Ukraine.

New legislation with tougher measures against women has been introduced and a wide network of influence in Europe promoted by the Iranian regime is being exposed.

Where we would be commemorating the death of Mahsa, meaning last year, an Iranian girl, age 22, died after being beaten by the so-called morality police for not wearing the headscarf properly.

The situation in Iran is untenable for any democratic sensitiveness. We should express our solidarity with those who, within Iran and in exile team up to face the regime. This is why the Ten Point platform put forward by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, secular, democratic, pluralistic Iran is worth being supported. And that’s why we openly reject the campaign to vilify the Iranian resistance abroad, which is one of the permanent strategies and actions of the Iranian regime.

We will stand with the Iranians who wish freedom, democracy, and equality in the country. By doing so, we not only help Iran, but it’s in our own interest that Iran ceases to be a threat to us all.

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