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Secular and Democratic Republic in Iran Backed by Hundreds of Bundestag and State Parliament Members

180 members of the Bundestag and 350 members of the state parliament support a secular and democratic republic in Iran
German MPs Support Secular and Democratic Republic in Iran

The German Committee for Solidarity with a Free Iran (Deutsches Solidaritätskomitee für einen freien Iran) has released a press statement conveying the following details:

A collective of 180 Bundestag members and 350 state parliament members, spanning diverse political affiliations, has united in expressing support for the Iranian people’s uprising. They reject all forms of dictatorship, including both the deposed Shah’s regime and the current theocracy.

The signatories endorse the advocacy for a secular and democratic republic in Iran, endorsing the implementation of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan during the transitional period.

Prominent signatories include one Minister of State, five Parliamentary State Secretaries, three former Federal Ministers, three former State Secretaries, chairpersons of four Bundestag committees, eleven committee members, the SPD General Secretary, and the former parliamentary group chairman of the Left Party.

More than 550 representatives from the Bundestag and federal states condemn the Iranian regime’s interference in the Middle East and Europe, labeling it as a terrorist enterprise. They urge the international community to support the Iranian people’s demand for change and to take decisive steps against the current regime. This includes designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization and holding regime officials accountable for crimes against humanity.

The translated version of the DFSI press release follows:

180 members of the Bundestag and 350 members of the state parliament support a secular and democratic republic in Iran

The committed parliamentarians support the opposition’s Ten-Point Plan for the transition period
Call for the terrorist designation of the “Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps”
In a cross-party initiative, 180 members of the Bundestag and 350 members of the state parliaments signed a joint statement supporting the uprising of the Iranian people and their demand to reject any kind of dictatorship, including the deposed Shah’s dictatorship and the ruling theocracy. They also support the call for the establishment of a secular and democratic republic in Iran and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point plan for the transitional period.

Maryam Rajavi is the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) for the period of the transfer of sovereignty to the Iranian people. The NCRI is a coalition of opposition democratic forces.

One Minister of State, five Parliamentary State Secretaries, three former Federal Ministers, three former Deputy Ministers, chairmen of four Bundestag committees, eleven committee members, the SPD General Secretary, and the former parliamentary group chairman of the Left Party are among the signatory members of the Bundestag.

The declaration, which was also signed by 350 members of the state parliament from 16 federal states, states, among other things, “We stand in solidarity with the Iranian people and their longing for a secular, democratic republic in which no individual – whether by religion or birth – has any prerogative over others. The Iranian people have made it clear with their slogans that they reject dictatorship in any of its forms, be it that of the Shah or that of the current theocratic regime. It rejects any association with both.”

The signatories, including a large number of deputy ministers, parliamentary group leaders, and vice-presidents of the state parliaments from various factions, made it clear in their joint statement, “We believe that the Iranian people themselves have to decide their future. In doing so, we recognize that over the past forty years, the democratic coalition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has persistently and tirelessly called for democratic change. In this regard, we believe that the Ten-Point plan of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI, deserves our support. It stands for free elections, freedom of expression and assembly, the abolition of the death penalty, gender equality, the separation of religion and state, the autonomy of Iran’s ethnic groups, and a nuclear-weapon-free Iran.”

Among the signatories of this declaration are the majority of the parliamentarians of the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen.

Around 550 representatives of the Bundestag and the federal states condemned “the Iranian regime’s ongoing interference in the Middle East and Europe – including its terrorist enterprises.”

They declared, “We call on the international community to stand with the Iranian people in their demand for change and to take decisive steps against the current regime. This includes putting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on the terror list and bringing regime officials to justice for crimes against humanity they have committed and bringing them before the International Criminal Court.”

More than 3,600 parliamentarians from various countries, including the majority of parliamentarians from France and Italy, have expressed their support for the will of the Iranian people and democratic Resistance in recent months by signing similar declarations.

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Secular and Democratic Republic in Iran Backed by Hundreds of Bundestag and State Parliament Members