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Bipartisan US House Resolution Condemns Iranian Regime’s Terrorism and Supports Iranian People’s Uprising

The U.S. House of Representatives has introduced a bipartisan resolution, H.Res 1148, that condemns the Iranian regime's terrorism and supports the Iranian people's uprising.
Conference at the US Congress – April 16, 2024

The U.S. House of Representatives has introduced a bipartisan resolution, H.Res 1148, that condemns the Iranian regime’s terrorism and supports the Iranian people’s uprising.

The resolution, co-sponsored by 142 Representatives, condemns the Iranian regime’s multifaceted offenses, including acts of terrorism, fueling regional conflicts through proxy warfare, internal repression, and backing the Iranian Resistance, including the Ten-Point Plan advocated by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Voices of Unity Across the Aisle

During the introduction of the resolution, voices from both the Republican and Democratic parties resonated in unity, echoing support for the Iranian Resistance and the Iranian people’s ongoing struggle against the clerical regime. They underscored the urgent need to dismantle a regime that has sown seeds of conflict and devastation across the Middle East while subjecting its people to prolonged suffering and fear.

Representative Randy Weber, the lead sponsor of H.Res 1148, emphasized the urgent need to end the decades-long reign of terror imposed by the clerical dictators in Tehran. He highlighted the recent direct attacks by the Iranian regime on Israel, labeling it as an outright act of war and emphasizing the timeliness of the bipartisan resolution. Rep. Weber expressed solidarity with the NCRI and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, praising her leadership and determination. He reiterated the importance of supporting the Iranian people’s uprising and the Resistance Units within Iran to bring about regime change.

Bipartisan Condemnation and Support

Representative Brad Sherman underscored the imperative of establishing a secular, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran. He emphasized the strong bipartisan support the Iranian Resistance has received in the 118th Congress.
Mr. Sherman also shed light on the regime’s involvement with the Houthi rebels, highlighting how their actions have resulted in dire consequences for food distribution in East Africa. He drew attention to the ripple effects, noting how increased food prices lead to starvation and death in regions like northern Ethiopia.
The Democratic Congressman criticized the regime’s support for terrorist organizations and reminded the regime’s grave human rights abuses. Looking ahead, Rep. Sherman expressed optimism about collaborating with colleagues and constituents toward the shared goal of a free, democratic Iran.

Representative Tom McClintock reflected on the recent events of October 7th, describing them as a stark reminder of the brutality and inhumanity propagated by the Iranian regime. He condemned the regime’s increasing boldness and recklessness, noting its direct attacks on Israel.
The congressman highlighted the bipartisan support garnered for House Resolution 100 and praised the resolution’s call for holding the regime accountable and supporting the Ten-Point Plan for Iran’s future outlined by the Iranian Resistance.
Rep. McClintock outlined two critical policies endorsed by former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to aid the Iranian people: putting maximum pressure on the regime and providing political and moral support to the Iranian opposition.

Representative Danny Davis delivered an impassioned speech, drawing inspiration from the words of Frederick Douglass and the teachings of his Baptist faith. He emphasized the importance of struggle as a prerequisite for progress and change.
Rep Davis commended the supporters and members of the Iranian Resistance for their dedication to the struggle for freedom and independence. Referencing his own experiences, the Congressman expressed admiration for the attendees’ unwavering determination and highlighted the significance of their collective efforts.
In closing, Representative Davis reiterated his support for the Iranian Resistance’s endeavors, applauding their tenacity and conviction.

Representative Lance Gooden emphasized the solidarity of the United States Congress with the Iranian people and condemned the oppressive actions of the Iranian regime. He specifically highlighted the plight of residents of Ashraf 3 in Albania, acknowledging their resilience in the face of persecution and sham trials orchestrated by the regime.
The congressman shared his personal experiences visiting Ashraf 3 and meeting with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, expressing admiration for her leadership and endorsing her Ten-Point Plan for peace and security in Iran. Mr. Gooden emphasized the importance of supporting the younger generation in Iran, encouraging them to continue their fight against the regime and strive for positive change in their country.

Representative Steve Cohen expressed his support for H.Res 1148, emphasizing the recent actions of the Iranian regime in the Middle East as indicative of the regime’s aggressive and reckless behavior in the region.
Mr. Cohen highlighted Tehran’s aspirations to exert influence and impose its ideology on neighboring countries, drawing parallels between the regime’s goals and those of Russian President Putin in Europe.
Proud to stand with those advocating for a free and independent Iran, the Congressman reiterated the importance of a non-nuclear Iran that respects democratic principles and human rights. He commended the Iranian-American community for their unwavering support in the fight for democracy and emphasized the need to hold the regime accountable for its actions.

Representative Pete Sessions highlighted the collaborative efforts of Republicans and Democrats in addressing the challenges posed by the Iranian regime, stressing the significance of unity in overcoming these obstacles. He commended the dedication of those advocating for change in Iran and encouraged continued engagement with members of Congress to raise awareness and garner support for the cause.
Acknowledging the sacrifices made by both the Iranian people and those fighting for their rights, Sessions underscored the commitment to holding the Iranian leadership accountable for their actions. He condemned their attempts to destabilize the world and suppress basic human rights, pledging to ensure that they face consequences for their crimes.

Representative Don Bacon emphasized the importance of distinguishing between the Iranian regime and the Iranian people, highlighting the regime’s oppressive nature and its role as an enemy to both the Iranian people and the United States.
Mr. Bacon underscored the need for a clear-eyed approach in dealing with the Iranian regime, advocating for stringent economic sanctions to weaken its grip and curb its support for terrorism. He urged for continued pressure on the regime and emphasized the importance of working with allies to counter its influence in the region.
The congressman outlined a vision of a future Iran that is democratic, secular, and free from nuclear weapons, envisioning a day when Iran can live in peace with its neighbors. He expressed hope for a future friendship between the United States and Iran, acknowledging the contributions of Iranian Americans to the diversity and strength of the nation.

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat, echoed the sentiments of her Republican colleague, stating, “We stand with the people of Iran in their quest for freedom, democracy, and human rights. The Iranian regime’s terrorism and repression must end.”

Representative Claudia Tenney, a Republican, emphasized the need for the United States to take a strong stance against the Iranian regime’s malign activities, saying, “The Iranian regime’s support for terrorism and its destabilizing actions in the region pose a direct threat to the security of the United States and our allies. This bipartisan resolution sends a clear message that we will not tolerate the regime’s continued aggression.”

Representative Gus Bilirakis, a Republican, highlighted the importance of supporting the Iranian Resistance, stating, “The Iranian people deserve a government that respects their basic human rights and freedoms. This resolution demonstrates our unwavering support for the Iranian Resistance and the Iranian people’s aspirations for a free and democratic Iran.”

Representative David Cicilline, a Democrat, echoed the call for action, saying, “The Iranian regime’s sponsorship of terrorism and its brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters are unacceptable. This resolution sends a strong message that the United States stands with the Iranian people in their fight for a better future.”


The bipartisan introduction of H.Res 1148 in the U.S. House of Representatives reflects a unified stance against the Iranian regime’s terrorism and a steadfast commitment to supporting the Iranian people’s uprising. The resolution’s co-sponsors from both political parties have voiced their solidarity with the Iranian Resistance and the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom, democracy, and human rights.

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Bipartisan US House Resolution Condemns Iranian Regime’s Terrorism and Supports Iranian People’s Uprising