Iran Freedom

Conference at French National Assembly Advocates for Iranian People’s Right to Overthrow Clerical Dictatorship

On May 14, 2024, the French National Assembly hosted a conference where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and French dignitaries discussed a statement from 150 Assembly members supporting the Iranian Resistance’s decades-long fight for regime change in Iran.

French MPs and dignitaries focused on the Iranian people’s resistance and endorsed Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan, calling for action against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and prosecution of human rights violators within Iran’s clerical regime.

In her address, Mrs. Rajavi stressed the urgent need for global action to dismantle the clerical regime. She praised the French Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID) for their support and urged Western governments to recognize the Iranian people’s right to resist tyranny. She emphasized that regional peace and stability depend on removing the Tehran regime.

Mrs. Rajavi highlighted the regime’s suppression of dissent and its export of conflict to the Middle East, criticizing Western concessions that have enabled the regime’s aggressive actions. She noted that the regime’s interventions are a sign of its internal weakness, not strength, and underscored the growing support for the Resistance Units among Iran’s youth.

Hervé Saulignac, a French MP and Vice President of CPID, discussed the regime’s violent suppression of protests and confirmed human rights violations by the UN Human Rights Council. He cited examples of the regime’s external aggressions, such as the foiled attack on an Iranian Resistance rally in Villepinte and the failed assassination attempt in Madrid.

MP Hervé Saulignac

Saulignac denounced Tehran’s judicial maneuvers against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), aimed at undermining the Iranian resistance. He warned of potential terrorist attacks orchestrated by the regime targeting PMOI or NCRI members.

Philippe Gosselin, Vice President of the Law Committee of the French National Assembly, spoke about the regime’s internal repression and its aggressive actions in the Middle East, referencing the attack on Israel. He noted the broad support within the French Parliament for the declaration condemning the Iranian regime.

MP Philippe Gosselin

Former Colombian Senator Ingrid Betancourt recounted her involvement with the Iranian Resistance and emphasized the pivotal role of women in the movement. She highlighted the significance of recognizing the resistance’s efforts and the diversity within its ranks.

Former Colombian Senator Ingrid Betancourt

Jean-Pierre Brard, a former French MP, stressed the universal struggle for freedom and justice, criticizing those who advocate for fake reforms within Iran. He emphasized the need for genuine solidarity with the Iranian people against tyranny.

Former MP Jean-Pierre Brard

Jean-François Legaret, President of the Middle East Studies Foundation (FEMO), highlighted the regime’s increasing desperation and the resilience of PMOI members. He praised the determination of Iranian women in the face of oppression and urged parliamentarians to support their struggle for liberty.

Jean Francois Legaret

MP André Chassaigne, President of the Communist Group, expressed his connection to the Iranian Resistance and endorsed the NCRI’s Ten-Point Plan. He emphasized the importance of political engagement and raising awareness about the movement.

MP André Chassaigne

French MP Gérard Leseul acknowledged the NCRI as a credible alternative for guiding Iran towards democracy. He emphasized the value of a pluralistic, democratic approach that respects individual freedoms.

Gilbert Mitterrand, President of France Liberté (Daniel Mitterrand Foundation), urged further parliamentary support for the residents of Ashraf 3, survivors of past atrocities in Iran. He called for their protection from potential threats by the Iranian regime.

Gilbert Mitterrand, President of France Liberté

This conference highlighted a unified call for supporting the Iranian people’s right to resist and overthrow the clerical dictatorship, with a focus on ensuring global peace and security.

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