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Italian Parliament Conference Supports Iranian Resistance Movement for Democracy and Regional Stability

Italian Parliament Conference Supports Iranian Resistance

On Thursday, May 9th, 2024, the Stampa Hall of the Italian Parliament hosted a conference titled “Support for Freedom and Resistance in Iran for Global Peace and Security.” The event showcased a statement backed by a majority of Italian parliamentarians from various political factions, endorsing the Iranian Resistance and expressing solidarity with the ongoing popular uprising within Iran.

Distinguished Italian legislators, including Naike Gruppioni, a member of the Italian Parliament; Senator Giulio Maria Terzi, former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs; Emanuele Pozzolo, a Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament; and Elisabetta Zamparutti, former MP and a founder of the Hands Off Cain Foundation, delivered impactful speeches during the conference.

In a video message, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, underscored that as the Iranian regime escalates executions, suppresses dissent, and enforces mandatory veiling, the majority of Italian parliamentarians stand in solidarity with the Iranian people.

“This signifies a profound grasp of the current global crisis,” Mrs. Rajavi remarked. “The Italian parliament has identified the clerical regime, the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and their proxies as the primary obstacles to peace in the region and beyond. They have called for the acknowledgment of the Iranian people’s right to uprising and the Resistance Units’ right to confront the IRGC.”

Despite the regime’s heightened executions and repressive measures, she highlighted the Iranian Resistance’s commitment to its Ten-Point Plan for a free Iran, devoid of executions or torture. Mrs. Rajavi condemned the regime’s ruthless crackdown on women, pointing to the mobilization of 32 governmental bodies and 1,200 Basij organizations to enforce compulsory hijab laws. She criticized European governments for hesitating to designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity, thereby enabling the regime’s domestic and international aggression.

Former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and current President of the 4th Permanent Senate Commission of EU Affairs, Senator Giulio Terzi, advocated for robust action in support of the democratic resistance in Iran. He condemned the oppressive tactics of the Iranian regime, particularly the persecution of women.
Terzi highlighted the need for concrete steps to counter the regime’s destabilizing activities, including the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization.
Drawing attention to recent international developments, he referenced the Canadian parliamentary vote and European Parliament resolutions as significant steps towards consensus on confronting Tehran’s malign behavior. Terzi underscored the importance of justice for the Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and rejected attempts to discredit the organization.

Member of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Emanuele Pozzolo, reflected on the question of engaging with the regime in Iran, particularly in light of its internal human rights issues. He noted a shift in perception following the events of October 7, 2023, when the regime’s role in the Middle East crisis became evident.
MP Pozzolo emphasized the importance of Italy’s support for the Iranian Resistance, viewing it as not just their struggle, but also as a collective battle for freedom and democracy. He cited the widespread acknowledgment among Italian and European parliamentarians of the threat posed by the current regime in Tehran to both global security and the Iranian people.
Drawing inspiration from an American poet’s words, Pozzolo commended the Iranian Resistance for embodying the power of ideas and principles over economic interests. He stressed the universal appeal of the Resistance’s vision and the need for broader support.

Italian Member of Parliament, Naike Gruppioni, opened her remarks by highlighting the importance of three interconnected themes: women, resistance, and freedom. On the eve of International Mother’s Day, she condemned the Iranian regime’s brutal repression of dissent, particularly targeting women who dare to speak out. She recounted harrowing stories of violence against women, citing the recent inclusion of Iranian authorities as terrorist organizations by the Canadian Parliament.
The Italian MP emphasized the responsibility of democracies to condemn human rights violations and interference by the Iranian regime in the Middle East. She criticized Iran’s theocratic dictatorship for its endemic misogyny and repressive policies, which have systematically oppressed women.
MP Gruppioni highlighted the vital role of women in the resistance movement against the regime, noting their courage in confronting injustices and inequalities. Reflecting on the female leadership of the Iranian Resistance, including NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi, MP Gruppioni expressed optimism for the future, envisioning a democratic Iran where gender equality is a reality.

Former Member of Parliament and founder of Hands Off Cain, Elisabetta Zamparutti, underscored the significance of feminine and maternal figures in navigating a world marked by violence, emphasizing their potential to inspire non-violent avenues for change.
Zamparutti commended Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s leadership as a beacon of “radical exceptionality” against the backdrop of Iran’s theocratic and misogynistic regime. In the context of the global political landscape, Zamparutti framed the struggle as one between totalitarianism and liberal thought, highlighting the importance of supporting the Iranian Resistance.
She characterized Iran as a grave threat to both its own people and global security, citing the alarming rate of executions in the country. Drawing parallels with her experiences visiting prisons, she emphasized the necessity of confronting the harsh realities faced by those living under oppressive regimes like Iran’s. Advocating for the inclusion of the IRGC in the list of terrorist organizations.
Mrs. Zamparutti stressed the importance of recognizing the Iranian Resistance as a legitimate political movement. She urged proactive measures to prepare for the aftermath of the regime’s potential collapse, emphasizing the need to establish a dialogue with the Resistance in shaping a post-regime future.

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Italian Parliament Conference Supports Iranian Resistance Movement for Democracy and Regional Stability