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Italian Parliament Majority Endorses Resistance’s Plan for Democracy in Iran

In a powerful show of international solidarity, a majority of Italy’s Parliament has voiced resounding support for the Iranian Resistance movement and its leader Maryam Rajavi‘s Ten-Point Plan for a future free and democratic Iran. This endorsement represents a significant diplomatic triumph for the Iranian resistance.

The backing comes from an impressive array of prominent Italian political figures across the spectrum. Among the signatories are three former deputy prime ministers, a former cabinet minister, five former deputy ministers, three former parliamentary vice presidents, three former parliamentary secretaries, twelve current or former heads of parliamentary committees, and six leaders of parliamentary groups.

This diverse and influential coalition of Italian lawmakers has put its weight behind the Iranian people’s quest for liberty and self-determination, as embodied by the resistance movement helmed by Mrs. Rajavi. Their support signals growing global recognition of the Iranian resistance’s vision to establish freedom, democracy, human rights, and a non-nuclear Iran.

A translated version of the statement signed by 202 members of the Italian Parliament follows:

Supporting Freedom and Resistance in Iran for World Peace and Security

The brutal repression of the Iranian people, including ethnic and religious minorities, is a matter of deep concern. During the 2022 uprising, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran reported that “verified videos show security forces deliberately shooting at unarmed protesters at close range.” Iran holds the world record for executions relative to its population. In 1988 alone, following a decree by Supreme Leader Khomeini, 30,000 political prisoners were massacred within weeks for their devotion to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI).

The Iranian regime, through a sham and in-absentia trial, aims to pave the way for terrorist actions against the leadership of the resistance and 100 members of the PMOI, particularly in Europe. It also pressures Europe to restrict the opposition, especially at Ashraf-3 in Albania. The regime’s judiciary is Supreme Leader Khamenei’s tool for suppression, murder, and terrorism.

Europe has become a hotbed for Iranian state terrorism. In February 2021, a Belgian court in Antwerp sentenced an Iranian diplomat in service to 20 years in prison for attempting to bomb the annual gathering of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) near Paris.

The ruling religious dictatorship in Iran cannot be reformed. The Iranian people rejected all forms of dictatorship, both monarchical and religious, during the 2022 uprising and called for regime change to establish a democratic republic.

The people of Iran have been deprived of all political and civil rights. The preface of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights emphasizes that “human rights should be protected by the rule of law so that man is not compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression.”

The Iranian regime is a driving force in Middle Eastern conflicts and attacks on free shipping and trade in the Red Sea. The head of the snake lies in Iran. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its proxy groups are spreading terror and hindering peace and security in the region and the world.

1- We condemn the gross human rights violations, particularly the suppression of women in Iran, and call for accountability for those responsible for the 1988 massacre due to continuous crimes against humanity.
2- The Iranian people deserve a democratic state. We urge all governments to support the Ten-Point Plan proposed by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI, for a democratic republic based on the separation of religion and state and gender equality.
3- We strongly condemn the Iranian regime’s actions against Iranian dissidents at Ashraf-3 in Albania and affirm their rights under the 1951 Geneva Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights.
4- The Iranian regime has blocked all avenues for political activity aimed at change; therefore, the free world must recognize the Iranian people’s right to uprising and the right of Resistance Units to counter the IRGC.
5- We strongly condemn the Iranian regime’s destructive role in the Middle East and its warmongering policies, and call for the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization and the implementation of oil sanctions against the regime.

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Italian Parliament Majority Endorses Resistance’s Plan for Democracy in Iran