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ISJ Press Conference in Brussels Urges New EU Policy on Iran Due to Rising Terrorism Threats

ISJ Press Conference in Brussels – September 24, 2024

The International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ) held a significant press conference in Brussels on September 24, 2024, unveiling a comprehensive whitepaper and calling for a fundamental shift in the European Union’s policy towards Iran.
The event featured prominent speakers who emphasized the urgent need for change in light of rising terrorism threats and ongoing human rights violations in Iran.

Key Speakers and Their Remarks

Professor Alejo Vidal-Quadras, President of the ISJ and former Vice President of the European Parliament:
– Presented the policy paper and shared his personal experience of surviving an assassination attempt by Iranian operatives in Madrid.
– Stressed that “The Islamic Republic of Iran is a fanatical, corrupt, and terrorist state that cannot evolve from within”.

Struan Stevenson, former Member of the European Parliament from Scotland:
– Discussed the regime’s systematic targeting of opposition groups like the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Paulo Casaca, former Member of the European Parliament from Portugal:
– Criticized Western leaders for failing to see through Tehran’s facade of reformism.

Whitepaper and Policy Recommendations

The conference introduced a 62-page whitepaper titled “Europe’s Failed Policy Towards Iran,” which outlined five core elements for a new EU strategy towards Iran:

1. International Isolation of the Iranian Regime: Close all EU embassies in Tehran and expel Iranian diplomatic personnel from EU territory.

2. Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Terrorist Organization: Follow the lead of the U.S. and Canada in this designation.

3. Severing the Iranian Regime’s Financial Lifelines: Expand and intensify economic and trade sanctions.

4. Increased Pressure on Iran Over Human Rights Violations: Escalate pressure in international forums for Iran’s gross violations of human rights.

5. Political Support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI): Back the NCRI as the only legitimate Iranian organization capable of leading an orderly transition to democracy.

The ISJ called for practical steps to stop executions and killings in Iran, emphasizing the need for a complete overhaul of Europe’s approach to the Iranian regime. The conference concluded with a clear message that Europe’s failed policy toward Iran must be replaced with a firm, proactive stance supporting the Iranian people’s quest for freedom and democracy.

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ISJ Press Conference in Brussels Urges New EU Policy on Iran Due to Rising Terrorism Threats