Amnesty International Urges Iran to Halt Executions of Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani

Amnesty International has issued an urgent call for Iranian authorities to immediately overturn the death sentences of political prisoners Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani, who face imminent execution following deeply flawed trials.
Amnesty International Urges Immediate Action to Stop Execution of Six Iranian Political Prisoners

Amnesty International has issued an urgent call to halt the execution of six Iranian men sentenced to death following a trial marred by allegations of torture and severe violations of fair trial standards.
In Death’s Waiting Room; Amnesty International’s Horrific Report on Iran’s Regime Prisons

As it is written in the introduction of this report on the website of Amnesty International: “This briefing documents how Iranian officials are committing shocking violations of the right to life by deliberately denying ailing prisoners lifesaving healthcare and refusing to investigate and ensure accountability for unlawful deaths in custody. The briefing details the circumstances surrounding the deaths in custody of 92 men and four women in 30 prisons in 18 provinces across Iran since 2010.”
Key Sections on Iran’s 1988 Massacre in Amnesty International’s Annual Report

“Ebrahim Raisi, rose to the presidency in June instead of being investigated for crimes against humanity related to the mass enforced disappearances and extrajudicial executions of 1988, reflecting systemic impunity in Iran”
This is quoted from Amnesty International’s annual report on the human rights situation in the world in 2021 in the section on human rights violations in Iran.
Amnesty International Reports to the Human Rights Council: 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran Is a Crime Against Humanity

On the eve of the Human Rights Council meeting to be held in Geneva from February 28, 2022 to April 11, 2022, Amnesty International submitted a report to the Council and called for decisive action to prevent the continuation of gross human rights violations in Iran.Amnesty International says in the report, Failure to investigate all […]
Iran: Amnesty International Warns of “Danger of Execution” for Two Elite Iranian Students Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi on “Fake” Charges

Two elite Iranian students are at the risk of being put on an unfair trial and possibly being sentenced to death, Amnesty International warned on Monday, November 22, 2021. Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi have been subjected to torture and harsh treatment in Tehran’s Evin prison since their arbitrary arrest on April 10, 2020. […]
Amnesty International: Crimes Against Humanity Loom Large Over Ebrahim Raisi’s Inauguration

On August 4, 2021, in a thread of Twitter messages, Amnesty International protested the presence of an EU representative at the inauguration of President Ebrahim Raisi. The message reads: Crimes against humanity loom large over Ebrahim Raisi’s inauguration as president of Iran. We continue to call for him to be criminally investigated for his role […]
Amnesty International: Using Live Ammunition to Crush Protests in Khuzestan Uprising In Iran -at Least 8 People Have Been Killed

Amnesty International released a report on 23 July 2021. In this report, Amnesty strongly condemned the repression of the people of Khuzestan province in southwestern Iran, who have been protesting wildly since July 15 due to the lack of water. In the protests, the people being shot by the Iranian regime’s security forces, which killed […]
Iran: Amnesty International Has Published a 48-Page Report on the Torture of Afkari Brothers

Afkari brothers have been tortured in Shiraz solitary confinement for months. Vahid and Habib Afkari are brothers of the wrestling champion Navid Afkari, who have been held in solitary confinement since Navid execution in September 2020. Amnesty International has published a detailed 48-page report on the torture of these brothers. Amnesty writes in the introduction […]
Amnesty International Statement on the Torture of Afkari Brothers by Iran’s Regime

Amnesty International expressed concern over the situation of the Afkari brothers in a statement. In this statement, Amnesty International called on all human rights activists to work for the release of the brothers and the realization of their rights. Amnesty International: Vahid and Habib deprived of all prison rights Following the call of Amnesty International […]