Free Iran: Poster Installation and Activities of Rebel Centers in Iranian Cities-2

Free Iran Shahr-e-Rey, Ebn-e Babveyh Rebelion Unite, No 200: Hail to the Great Mosaddegh and the martyrs of July 21, 1952 July 21, 1952, the day of overwhelming the national movement of Dr. Mosaddegh on dictatorship, July 2018 Karaj Massoud Rajavi: July 21, the anniversary of triumph the will of the people over the disgrace […]
Friday’s Iran Events – July 20, 2018

Iran Events Iran: Investigation Into Financial Corruption It has been reported in Iranian media that Samen al-Hojaj Finance and Credit Institution is being investigated by a court in Tehran. Samen al-Hojaj is just one of many institutions that had been offering investors interest rates that are unusually high. The institution ended up being unable to […]
Sunday’s Iran Events – July 8, 2018

protest July 7 – Locals are demonstrating & protesting severe water shortages. Voice says these people haven’t had running water for the past four days. “No fear, we’re all together” #IranProtestsBorazjan, southern #IranJuly 7 – Locals are demonstrating & protesting severe water shortages.Voice says these people haven’t had running water for the past four days.”No […]
Speech by Nejat al-Astal at Free Iran Alternative Gathering 2018

Speech by Nejat al-Astal at Free Iran The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villepinte , Paris
Iranian Resistance convention – An Event To Be Fearful Of For Iran’s Clerical Regime

Iranian Resistance convention – An Event To Be Fearful Of For Iran’s Clerical Regime The month of June has become a horrifying month for the ruling dictatorship in Iran due to a yearly event that takes place in Paris in and around this time. The event is the Iranian opposition’s annual gathering dubbed “Free Iran” […]
US Congresswoman Judy Chu Supports Iranian convention

US Congresswoman Judy Chu suppotrs Iranian convention : Hello, I am Congresswoman Judy Chu, from California’s 27th district and I want to send my best wishes for a successful 2018 international convention for a Free Iran. I am sorry I could not join you in person, but from here in Washington DC to all of […]
Protests in Iran increase on the verge of convention in Paris

towards the Iranian Convention in Paris Protests in Iran increase on the verge of convention in Paris As protests are increasing in numbers across Iran, new reports indicate they have returned to the capital, Tehran,t scale. Since they started, the annual rally of the Iranian resistance in Paris, each year has been accompanied with enormous success […]
Iranian Lawyer Arrested Claiming Executed Sufi Innocence

Iranian Lawyer Arrested For Claiming Executed Sufi Man’s Innocence Iranian authorities have arrested a lawyer for spreading “lies” after claiming that a Sufi man executed this week was wrongfully convicted of killing three police officers, local media report. Salas, 51, was hanged near Tehran early on June 18 after being convicted of killing three police officers during […]
human rights abuses in Iran, against the most basic rights

Nassrin Sotoudeh, lawyer of human rights defendants, was rearrested. Ms. Sotoudeh was arrested at home in Tehran on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, and transferred to the Prosecutor’s court of Evin. There is no information available on the. Nassrin Sotoudeh, lawyer of #humanrights defendants, was rearrested. Ms. Sotoudeh was arrested at home in #Tehran on Wednesday, June […]
Violation of Human Rights in Iran

Human Rights The highest human rights violations are taking place in Iran