Tuesday’s Iran Events – July 17, 2018

Iran Events July 16 – Baghdad, Iraq Reports indicate security forces have opened fire on protesters. Demonstrators are demanding better services & protesting Iran’s meddling. https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1019083755099738112 How Regime Linked Mafia Controls Iran’s Car Import Business Iran’s car import business and the role the government and family mafia groups play in it has turned into a […]
Theresa Villiers, UK parliament MP at the Free Iran Rally in Paris

Theresa Villiers, UK parliament MP at the Free Iran Rally in Paris I’m so grateful to be able to address this gathering for a second year in a row to support the cause of a free and democratic future for Iran. I’m proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder with so many other elected representatives […]
Newt Gingrich, former U.S. House speaker addressed Free Iran rally in Paris, June 2018

Newt Gingrich, former U.S. House speaker addressed Free Iran rally in Paris, June 2018 Newt Gingrich addressed a huge crowd of supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Paris on June 30, 2018 and said: First of all, I want to thank all of you for being here today. The willingness of so many people to […]
Wednesday’s Iran Events 2 – July 11, 2018

Iran Events Location of Baluchi Activist Arrested at Mass Rape Protest Concealed From His Family The location of detained Baluchi ethnic rights activist Abdollah Bozorgzadeh remains unknown three weeks after he was detained in the Iranian city of Iranshahr in Sistan and Baluchistan Province. Bozorgzadeh was taken into custody on June 17, 2018, during a […]
Free Iran: Iran Regime is Godfather of Terrorism in the middle East

Iran Regime Free Iran:Iran Regime is Godfather of Terrorism in the middle East
With the Resistance’s Grand Gathering in the cities of Iran

Grand Gathering Freedom Iran :With the Resistance’s Grand Gathering in the cities of Iran
Sunday’s Iran Events – July 8, 2018

protest July 7 – Locals are demonstrating & protesting severe water shortages. Voice says these people haven’t had running water for the past four days. “No fear, we’re all together” #IranProtestsBorazjan, southern #IranJuly 7 – Locals are demonstrating & protesting severe water shortages.Voice says these people haven’t had running water for the past four days.”No […]
Opposition Leader – Roadmap to Regime Change in Iran

Opposition Leader – Roadmap to Regime Change in Iran “Give it all to advance the uprising,” Maryam Rajavi compels the NCRI supporters gathered at the June 30 rally in Paris as the primary agenda for all those who concern themselves about freedom in Iran. For the past 37 years, the National Council of Resistance of […]
Speech by Alex Taylor at Free Iran: The Alternative

Speech by Alex Taylor at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villepinte , Paris
Speech by Annette Burgdorf at Free Iran: The Alternative

Speech by Annette Burgdorf at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villepinte , Paris