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Unity Against Iran’s Regime Terrorism and the Stalemate in the Nuclear Talks

In a cross-party alliance that is rare in the United States, political and military figures in the United States have stated their opposition to removing the IRGC from the terrorist list (FTO).

Opponents of the IRGC’s withdrawal from the terrorist list and pessimism about the future of nuclear talks with the Iranian regime, which has stalled talks by insisting on removing its terrorist IRGC, include senior State Department officials, members of Congress and the Senate, and senior military commanders.

The Iranian Regime and the IRGC Profit off of Iran’s Unprecedented Environmental Crisis

With diminishing water resources, mass deforestation, rapid desertification and severe air pollution, Iran is in the midst of an unprecedented environmental crisis. For years, Environmental scientists have warned that these problems threaten Iran and the stability of the Middle East region if these issues are not dealt with.

With diminishing water resources, mass deforestation, rapid desertification and severe air pollution, Iran is in the midst of an unprecedented environmental crisis. For years, Environmental scientists have warned that these problems threaten Iran and the stability of the Middle East region if these issues are not dealt with. Dr. Khalil Khani a senior environmental expert […]

The Iranian Regime’s IRGC Financial Empire

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), is the main force of the Iranian regime, which both oppresses people inside Iran and exports chaos and terrorism abroad.

An in-depth look at the IRGC’s financial empire The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), is the main force of the Iranian regime, which both oppresses people inside Iran and exports chaos and terrorism abroad. The IRGC, according to its statute, “is an entity under the command of the Supreme Leader”. The IRGC hinges on exporting […]

The Role of the Quds Force of Iran’ IRGC in Destabilizing in the Region Using UAV Revealed at the Iranian Resistance Conference

October 6, 2021: The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-US) held a press conference to unveil previously undisclosed aspects of the Iranian regime’s massive UAV program by the terrorist Quds Force.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021: The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-US) held a press conference to unveil previously undisclosed aspects of the Iranian regime’s massive UAV program by the terrorist Quds Force. NCRI-US disclosed the production sites and the program’s complete cycle, from production to deployment, and from training […]

Bitcoin; Money laundering Tool of the Iran’s Regime’s IRGC

During the past few weeks, simultaneous power outages in Tehran and other metropolises across Iran, was part of the latest attempt of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to plunder Iranians.

During the past few weeks, simultaneous power outages in Tehran and other metropolises across Iran, was part of the latest attempt of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to plunder Iranians. Saber Parnian, managing director of industrial estates of Tehran acknowledged that “Bitcoin mining is the cause of power outages.”   What is Bitcoin? What is it […]

How IRGC Destroyed Iran’s Forests and Other Natural Resources?

Among the areas that the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has destroyed in the last four decades in Iran are the country’s environment, forests, and pastures. For more than four decades, the IRGC dominated the country's national resources, environment, forests, and rangelands.

Among the areas that the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has destroyed in the last four decades in Iran are the country’s environment, forests, and pastures. For more than four decades, the IRGC dominated the country’s national resources, environment, forests, and rangelands. Destruction of the environment by the IRGC Areas of environmental degradation by the IRGC are […]

Iran’s Oil and Gas Industry Under the Demonic Domination of the IRGC

The IRGC's first activities in the oil and gas industry were limited to renting machinery to companies operating in the South Pars gas field. But over time, unbridled monopoly, which is a common feature of the IRGC and the Mullahs' regime, went further and entered the field of energy, oil, and gas in the following years.

After entering economic activities in 1989, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). Since it had no experience in the oil and gas industry, the IRGC entered the field of dam construction. The IRGC‘s first activities in Iran’s oil and gas industry limited to renting machinery to companies operating in the South Pars gas field. But over time, […]