IAGS President Prof. Melanie O’Brien Speech to the New York Rally in Support of Uprisings for a Democratic Republic in Iran

During a great rally held in New York on September 19, 2023, IAGS President Prof. Melanie O’Brien delivered a speech. The rally was held outside the UN in support of uprisings for a democratic republic in Iran and in condemnation of the Iranian regime and its president, Ebrahim Raisi, during the session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Remarks by Professor Melanie O’Brien, to the Free Iran World Summit 2023, on July 3, 2023

Dr. Melanie O’Brien (Australia), President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS), addressed the third day of the Free Iran World Summit on July 3, 2023. The summit was under the title: Prosecute Iran’s Regime Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide.