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ISJ Calls for Trial of Criminal Iran’s Regime Heads in an International Court

The judiciary of the mullah regime in Iran has started holding a ridiculous show called The Trial of the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and its leaders. This so-called sham trial is the testimony of 42 mercenaries of the Iranian regime's Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) who identify themselves as former members of the MEK.

The judiciary of the mullah regime in Iran has started holding a ridiculous show called The Trial of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and its leaders. This so-called sham trial is the testimony of 42 mercenaries of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) who identify themselves as former members of the MEK. On […]

MEK Resistance Units Continue Their Activities, Support the Saravan’s Uprising

The Iranian Resistance Units, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), installed posters and handwritten slogans in various cities supporting the Saravan protesters.

The internal network of the Iranian opposition hailed the protests in Saravan in Sistan and Baluchestan province. The Iranian Resistance Units, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), installed posters and handwritten slogans in various cities supporting the Saravan protesters.The Resistance Units organized vast activities in Tehran, Tabriz, Kermanshah, Karaj, Qazvin, Kazeroun, […]

MEK Resistance Units Put up Posters of Maryam Rajavi and Massoud Rajavi in Public Places

The Iranian opposition network inside Iran(MEK Resistance Units) organized anti-regime campaigns across the country.

The Iranian opposition network inside Iran(MEK Resistance Units) organized anti-regime campaigns across the country. They bravely took to graffiti and installed handwritten slogans on the walls that read, “The theocratic regime is fearing its downfall” and “The people and the Iranian resistance have pledged to overthrow the regime.” They installed huge posters and images of […]

Ad Melkert at annual MEK rally in Ashraf 3, Albania

Ad Melkert expressed his admiration for the struggle of the Iranian people and their organized resistance toward a free Iran

For many years, freedom-loving Iranians have annually gathered in the biggest halls in France to show their support for the Iranian opposition coalition the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), led by president-elect Maryam Rajavi. In 2019, Iranians held their latest gathering at Ashraf 3, Albania, home to members of the leading Iranian opposition […]

UK Lawmaker Steve McCabe expresses his solidarity with Iranian protesters

UK lawmaker Steve McCabe expresses his support for the Iranian people's desire for a free Iran

In an online video conference on June 20, many Iranians across the globe virtually gathered to show their support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). They admired the 39-year struggle for freedom, justice, and equality in […]

US Senate conference on human rights in Iran held by OIAC

The Organization of Iranian American Communities , OIAC, held a conference on human rights in Iran in the US Senate to mark the Iranian New Year (Nowruz).

US Senate conference on human rights in Iran held by OIAC The Organization of Iranian American Communities , OIAC,  held a conference on human rights in Iran in the US Senate to mark the Iranian New Year (Nowruz). The conference focused heavily on the coronavirus, which has now killed over 3,600 people in all of […]