In Death’s Waiting Room; Amnesty International’s Horrific Report on Iran’s Regime Prisons

As it is written in the introduction of this report on the website of Amnesty International: “This briefing documents how Iranian officials are committing shocking violations of the right to life by deliberately denying ailing prisoners lifesaving healthcare and refusing to investigate and ensure accountability for unlawful deaths in custody. The briefing details the circumstances surrounding the deaths in custody of 92 men and four women in 30 prisons in 18 provinces across Iran since 2010.”
Iran: Political Prisoners inside Mullahs’ Regime Prisons Support the Grand Gathering 2017 in Paris

Political prisoners support the grand gathering the NCRI – A group of political prisoners of Gohardasht, Evin, and Tehran Central Prisons, in a letter, announced their support to the grand gathering of the Iranian Resistance which is going to be held in Villepinte, Paris on July 1, 2017. The following is their statement:”A small Iran […]