Iranian regime attorney general threaten the truck drivers to execution

Iranian regime attorney general threaten the truck drivers to execution Truck drivers across Iran continued their nationwide strike on Monday, the tenth consecutive day, expanding to over 258 cities in all of the country’s 31 provinces. The drivers are protesting low paychecks, skyrocketing spare parts prices and hollow promises provided by the mullahs’ officials and […]
Truck drivers strike across 156 cities in 31 provinces of Iran

Truck drivers strike across 156 cities in 31 provinces of Iran On Saturday, September 22, truck drivers and heavy vehicle drivers their strike across 156 cities in 31 provinces of Iran. They refused to move and load goods; as a result, the main terminals of the country were shut down. This strike followed the general […]
Truck drivers protesting in different cities of Iran

Truck drivers protesting in different cities of Iran Truck drivers across various cities throughout Iran are on strike, protesting low wages and skyrocketing prices of spare parts. This is yet another round of such protests in Iran and has always delivered crushing blows to the mullahs’ apparatus. On Saturday3, in the city of Shapour near Isfahan continued their […]
World Should Stand With Iranian People uprising

World Should Stand With Iranian People Tuesday, June 5, marked the 15th consecutive day of the nationwide truck driver’s strike in Iran, with tens of thousands of heavy vehicles drivers taking part in almost 300 cities across the country. The video footage and photos of the strike, which are being widely circulated on social media, […]
Iran: Truckers surpass go on nationwide strike

Iran: Truckers surpass 11th day of nationwide strikeAs the Iranian truck drivers began their strike, the focus was drawing attention to the lack of pay, increasing fees, and other concerns of the drivers. However, the strike also drew the attention of the security forces of the regime and the pressure was on for them to […]
ITF statement in solidarity with truck drivers in Iran

ITF statement in solidarity with truck drivers in Iran The International Transport Workers’ Federation, on behalf of the 20 million transport workers worldwide that our organisation represents, stands in full solidarity with the truck drivers of Iran as they enter a tenth day of strikes. Truckers in Iran are taking mass action over low wages […]
Iran protests reported in tehran & other cities

Iran protests reported in tehran & other cities An atmosphere of increasing Popular protests throughout Iran is intensifying as people from all walks of life are joining these rallies and gatherings. In Tehran, a group of part-time teachers and Agriculture Insurance Department employees rallied outside the Iranian regime’s parliament on Sunday seeking immediate answers to their demands. […]
Eighth day of truckers strike resulting industries coming to a standstill:

Eighth day of truckers strike resulting industries coming to a standstill: Bandar Abbas, southern Iran Eighth day of truck drivers‘ The port is completely vacant due to the general protests. truckers strike continue nationwide strike. strikes, protests for 8th consecutive day Bandar Abbas, southern #IranEighth day of truck drivers’ nationwide strike.This port is completely vacant […]