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California Convention in support of Iran Protests

California Convention in support of Iran Protests 

By Staff

On Saturday, January 11, 2020; Iranian American Community of Northern California will convene in Los Angeles to participate in the California Convention for a Free Iran to express support for nationwide protests in Iran. The event is organized by California Society for Democracy in Iran (CSDI) and the Iranian American Community of Northern California (IACNC). 

National political leaders such as Honorable Patrick Kennedy, Former Senator Robert Toricelli, Ambassador Lincoln P. Bloomfield, as well as California’s civic, student and business leaders will participate in California Convention in support of Iran Protests. 

Proposed Event Resolutions include the call for: 

  1. United States to lead efforts leading to referral of the Iranian regime and the case on brutal killing and torture of Iranian protest to U.N. Security Council. 
  2. Government and tech companies to deny Iranian regime access to censorship tools & technology. 
  3. Urge the U.S. to maintain pressure on Iranian regime and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Force (IRGC). 


Beginning on November 15, 2019; Iranian people yet again took to streets to protest against the clerical regime, demanding their basic human right sand wanting an end to religious tyranny.  In response, the regime completely cut off access to information and the Internet and used lethal force to subdue the uprising. 

Video footage, eyewitness testimony from people in Iran, information gathered from human rights activists, and news reports from Iran reveal a horrific pattern of unlawful killings of protesters by Iranian security forces, which have used excessive and lethal force in response to legitimate protests in more than 191 cities across Iran. 

With near complete internet shutdown, the regime initially prevented the world from witnessing the full extent of the protests as well as the severe crackdown, attacks, arrests, beatings, torture, imprisonment, and killings in reprisal for the unrest.  More importantly, without access to the internet and unable to communicate, thousands of protesters were left vulnerable, unable to scape persecution or avoid capture or other IRGC reprisals. 

The United Nations said that it verified video footage indicating, “severe violence was used against protesters, including armed members of security forces shooting from the roof of a justice department building in one city, and from helicopters in another”… and “footage showing security forces shooting unarmed demonstrators from behind as they ran away and other straight on,“ in other words shooting to kill.” 

The latest information compiled from inside Iran suggest the following: 

  • Number of impacted provinces: 31 (all of Iran’s provinces) 
  • Number of impacted cities: 191 
  • Number of protesters killed: over 1500 
  • Number of wounded: over 4,000 
  • Number of detainees: over 12,000 
  • Over 1000 IRGC & Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei owned banks burned 

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California Convention in support of Iran Protests