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MEK Resistance Units Support the Free Iran 2024 Rally

Amid the turmoil surrounding Iran’s upcoming presidential elections following the death of Ebrahim Raisi, the Resistance Units of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) have engaged in 10,000 activities in preparation for the annual Free Iran Rally on June 29, 2024.

By putting up placards, organizing small street parades, and distributing leaflets, the Resistance Units have highlighted slogans promoting the boycott of the regime’s elections, the “Woman, Resistance, Freedom” campaign, and Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for Iran’s future.

Some of the slogans and phrases distributed in cities across the country include:

– “The vote of the Iranian people is to overthrow the regime.”
– “No to the fake election, yes to Maryam Rajavi.”
– “No to the election farce, yes to a democratic republic.”
– “Khamenei’s dreams burned and turned to ashes with Raisi’s death.”
– “No to compulsory government – No to compulsory religion – No to compulsory hijab.”
– “No to the Supreme Leader, yes to popular sovereignty.”
– “There is no place for elections in this regime; it’s time for an uprising.”
– “The era of religious tyranny in Iran has ended.”
– “The blessed spring of Iran is on the way with the struggle of rebellious women and men.”
– “Iranian women should take the helm of leadership in a democratic Iran of tomorrow.”
– “Onward to the democratic revolution with Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan.”
– “No to the Supreme Leader, yes to popular sovereignty in a free republic.”
– “The democratic revolution of the Iranian people will end religious despotism.”

These revolutionary activities continue despite the regime’s efforts to suppress dissidents, with the IRGC actively hunting Resistance Unit members. Recently, regime forces brutally killed a young street cleaner suspected of intending to install a banner or vandalize regime symbols by throwing him off a pedestrian bridge.

Despite the regime’s heavy security measures and extensive surveillance, the activities of the Resistance Units have grown significantly ahead of the Free Iran Rally.

The Resistance Units have carried out their activities in cities including Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Karaj, Babol, Amol, Ramsar, Arak, Eslamshahr, Bandar Abbas, Saqqez, Mahabad, Tabriz, and Urmia, among others, to support the Free Iran Rally.

A major wave of these activities, comprising a thousand nationwide actions to promote the democratic alternative, occurred a day before Raisi’s death (May 18, 2024). Following Raisi’s death, the operations and activities of the Resistance Units have significantly increased.

Through 10,000 revolutionary activities across the country, the Resistance Units have amplified the message of the largest, longest, most complex, and bloodiest organized resistance in Iran’s history with the central slogan: “No to Shah, no to mullahs,” rejecting all forms of dictatorship and tyranny.

Videos of the MEK Resistance Units Activities Across cities of Iran:


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MEK Resistance Units Support the Free Iran 2024 Rally