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Supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden commemorate martyrs of Iran protests

Supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden commemorate martyrs of Iran protests

Swedish-Iranians, supporters of MEK/PMOI and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), held a rally at the Mynttorget Square in Stockholm to commemorate the memory of the martyrs of the Iranian people’s uprising, who were killed  by the  clerical regime during the resent Iran protests.

At least 1,500 protesters, including 400 women, have been killed by the regime’s repressive security forces during the protests that began on November 15 and spread across the country demanding a democratic change.

Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified and published the names of 601 protesters killed by the regime’s repressive security forces and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

The victims included several minors and children.

“The regime has used deadly violence against peaceful protesters following an order from Supreme Leader Khamanei. It is not enough to just condemn the violence as Sweden and the EU have done,” said Massoud Kiani, FFFI’s EU representative, who took part in Saturday’s rally of supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden.

“We, Swedish-Iranians and Supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden, demand Swedish and European measures in the UN to hold the regime’s leaders to account for this merciless killing, otherwise the importance of international law is eroded,” he added.

During Saturday’s rally of supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden, participants also expressed their support for the people’s continued protests against the regime by chanting the slogans such as “down with the dictator” and “down with Khamenei”.

They supported the popular demand for a democratic change and called on Sweden and the EU to recognize the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom from the religious sovereignty of the mullahs.

Parviz Kahzai, the representative of the NCRI in Nordic countries
Parviz Kahzai, the representative of the NCRI in Nordic countries

“The brutal crackdown by the Iranian regime shows that the popular protests threaten the survival of the mullahs. The regime’s supreme leader confirms in his speeches and publicly acknowledges that the opposition coalition, NCRI and MEK, play an active role in organizing and leading these protests,” said Parviz Kahzai, the representative of the NCRI in Nordic countries.

He added, “The international community must recognize the Iranian people’s resistance movement and the Iranian people’s struggle for change.”

In addition to the killing, the regime has also arrested over 12,000 people, including relatives of the killed protesters, in a desperate attempt to defeat the regime-critical protests.

A report from Amnesty International on December 16 confirms an ongoing wave of arrests following the anti-regime protests.

Supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden commemorate martyrs of Iran protests
Supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden commemorate martyrs of Iran protests

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Supporters of MEK/PMOI in Sweden commemorate martyrs of Iran protests